Wib's Characters


Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally Colored
Dragon/Mythical qualities/All hooves

Mate/ marital status: 
Not looking

Being in control. there's really not much else to it. He lives to twist around the lives of other goeys, and has fun doing so. 
He also seems to like Emma, though this relationship is more to suit his own purposes than actual friendship. 
Being alone. Though he hates to admit it, and possibly doesn't even know it himself, his love of control is based on his own insecurities. He needs to know that someone is actually listening to him, and bosses others around only to prove to himself that he is somehow important.

Manipulative and charming, Astarot can twist even the most hard headed of goennecs into submission. Few want to defy the winged ram, whether due to trust or simply through fear. Only the most foolish of rams would dare challenge him, and those who do rarely survive the battle. He lives off the thrill of controlling others. There is nothing more satisfying to him than knowing that a creature is within his rule. His targets vary from single goennecs to entire herds. Rarely will he stay in power long, for he quickly grows bored of the antics of the lowly "mortals" and leaves again in search of more worthy subjects. 
Three goennecs have managed to keep his attention. Of the three, two of them are dead, for his fascination stems mainly from a desire to destroy them.
His triggers are simple, seemingly random to most observers. For his mother it was her eyes. Bright green, like none he had ever seen before. He beleived that a demon possessd her, showing itself only through those eyes. For another unfortunate goennec, it was his horns. It was something in the curve of them, he decided, and again set his mind to it's destruction. The smallest imperfections would warp and expand in his mind, changing a gentle mother into a hidden enemy and a young ram into a bitter rival. 
The third, the only survivor, is a young ewe who evaded his capture. Unlike the others, it wasn't a physical feature that set him off. It was the ewe's personality, mostly, that attracted his attention. She was quite clueless, often going on and on about about humans and her life before the herd. The constant babbling infuriated him, and hearing of humans in such a positive light was nonsense to him. She was clearly out of her mind.
The one thing that kept her alive was her connection to her herd. Unlike the many small herds that he took control of and caused chaos in before, this one was quite large. It would be harder to conquer, maybe even impossible if anyone caught onto his plans, but the idea of herd life fascinates him. Or, at least, the prospect of toying with a few members' minds does.
So long as Emma continues to introduce him to fellow herd members and teaching him, he tolerates her rambling. Though limited, he does possess some amount of patience, especially when there's a reward.
This is about as far as his acceptance towards other goennecs goes. If they provide him with a service, he'll give the appearance of a friend. Maybe even perform a couple favors to keep their attention. Friends mean nothing to him. He is loyal to no one but himself, for in his mind there is nothing more important than himself and getting what he wants. Who cares if a couple others get stepped on in the process?


Naturally colored
No abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: None

Being isolated from the rest of the world for much of her life, Emma often finds amusement in the simplest of things, such as a bug fluttering above her head or a small patch of flowers. She loves the bright flowers especially, for they remind her of the little girl she left behind. To her they look just like the girl's smile.

The ribbon worn around her neck serves the same purpose, to remind her of the child. While her stay with the humans was not a pleasant one, she still cares about the girl and treasures what few happy memories she still has of her. 

There are few things that Emma dislikes. Though her life has been rough, it only taught her to see the brighter side of things. There is always a positive side to every situation, even if at the moment she can't see it. It's always hidden there somewhere.

There are onloy two things she can truly say she dislikes, and those are pointless violence and killing. Very little good can come of it, and anyone who could be so cruel as to end a life certainly has no good side to them. Even siv fights annoy her slightly. While little harm is done, it's enough to bring back memories she'd rather not recall.

Sweet and innocent, Emma does her best to please everyone, though her awkwardness often gets in the way of that. Being isolated from the rest of the goennec world for so long, she knows little of what is expected of her, and often finds it hard to carry on a conversation. While a more patient goennec would find her to actually be a very lovable doe, others soon get bored and give up.

Despite this she will still stick up for herself, and does not appreciate being lied to or being treated unfairly. She knows when it's time to speak up instead of cowering in fear.

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