Kamaliah's Characters


1‘11“, no abnormalities

No mate

Likes: Doing her own thing; Although she loves being in a large, busy herd, she perfers to spend her time wandering through the valley, casually picking up bits of informatin from the various conversations going on.

Sunny days; The sun tends to have a relaxing effect on much of the herd. Sunny days, when everyone else is a little less alert, her mischievous tendencies show through and she often spends the day getting a kick out of confusing the others.

Honey; if she can get through the bees or put up with a few stings, she’ll dive right into a hive for a mouthful or two of the sweet goo.

Rams; Although much of the time, she doesn’t think about rams much more than she does does, sometimes she’ll catch herself thinking about harem life with a passing ram. Near the siv, her hormones really kick up a notch and she goes all out trying to impress any ram she can.

Dislikes:  Pink; Despite pink being one of two colors present in her coat, she doesn’t much like the color. It’s too bright and makes her stand out. It’s so much harder to get away with a good joke if you’re so easily seen.

Popular does; She sees them as competition and feels an intense jealousy for does that get more attention from rams than she does.

Rocky ground; Despite being well-built for rocky terrain, she doesn’t like the feel of it under her feet. Grass and soft dirt are far more favorable.

Personality: Generally an easy-going, go-with-the-flow type, Melia tends to not be a part of or cause any type of public stir. Too much worry or tension easily gets her frustrated.

Of course, this doesn’t mean she doesn’t like a bit of trouble here and there. One of her favorite things to do is to bother her herdmates. Casually kicking a stone into the water while an unaware doe is taking a sip, just close enough to startle her; Ducking behind a bush to hold a branch back, waiting for someone to walk by so she can let it go and give ‘em a good smack on the tail-end.

Every so often, she takes it a little too far, but, being defensive of her style of fun, she rarely apologizes. Only if her joke ends in injury would she consider wishing she could take it back.

Melia’s fairly young, only five years old, so the siv, for her, is a wonderful time. She loves to crank up her femininity and flirt teasingly with all the boys. She’s picky though, and will only pick a ram that shows he’s absolutely determined to have her. 


 2‘4“, Mute

No mate

Likes: Conversation; Even though he cannot participate, he enjoys joining in on a casual conversation, sometimes indicating his feelings on the subject through body language.

Does; Bear loves does. He likes the way the smell and the way they move. For him, there’s nothing more satisfying and pleasing than seeing a doe care for a kid he fathered.

Discovering new things; Bing mute, Bear is primarily an observer. This has caused him to foster a love for new information.

Dislikes: Discord; If things aren’t running smoothly or his herdmates are distressed, he finds it hard to be happy about things that would normally make him smile.

Waiting; He hates anticipating something and having to wait for it. He prefers action, the sooner, the better.

Personality: Bear is very much a ladies man. He loves does, but he’s also very respectful of them. His favorite time of the year is the siv, when he can gather a harem and dote on those does who he can win over. He cannot say kind things to them, so he compensates by bringing them a gift, or spending a little extra time with them to help groom their hard-to-reach spots.

Aside from his dedication to the siv, he’s a determined fighter. Always ready to defend his herd and follow the orders of his Prime and Prince. Of course, this helps during the siv as well as he quite enjoys the challenge of fighting another ram for the opportunity to convince a doe to join him. 


Mountain Herd

Naturally colored

Order and Justice
Female Goennecs
Exploring caves
Rule breakers
Water (he has Hydrophobia), but only deep water
Not being able to see the sky
Devarsi, or Devi for short, is a strong-willed, bull headed goennec. He needs strong convincing to be swayed from his viewpoint, although he’s trying to change this. He also has a bit of an ego problem. Usually, his ego isn’t a problem, but every so often, given a boost, his head will fill with self-centered thoughts. However, he’s also a very giving goey and fiercely dedicated to his position, leading the herd. He likes to think of himself as the type of goennec that would give up his life for the herd, though he fears the thought of being in that situation.
As the herd’s Prime, he tries his hardest to do what’s best for them as a whole. His status is still new, so he is eager to prove himself.

Forest Run

Naturally colored
No Abnormalities

No mate

Rainy days
Young goennecs (in a granny way, not a creepy way)
The advantages of being an elder in the herd
Her fading senses
Having never found a permanent mate
Eating rodents
After years of fighting and raising kids, Forest enjoys the simplicity of life as an elder. Her intense need to prove herself to the rams and to be the best of the females has faded, leaving her with a serene, peaceful way of seeing and living life. She has seen much in her forty three years in the herd and enjoys entertaining the young with little tasks and quizzes. She rarely gets angry anymore, but show her or the Prime and/or Prince disrespect and she’ll gladly tear you a new one.
Her biggest regret in life is that she never found a mate. Her kids all had different sires who never stayed for longer than just the single siv they had fought. She had always longed for a ram who would stay with her and share in life with her, but she has long since given up on the idea of ever finding someone. Instead, she dwells on the joys of her current life.

Lu Ten

Naturally colored
All Hooves

Mate/ marital status: None

Does and kids mostly, but he also enjoys singing.

not much, mostly just ignorance

Lu Ten, or Lu, is your typical wise old man. He likes to share bits of wisdom and advice, though he's not pushy about it. He's unusually kind and has extraordinary patience. He's full of charm that he usually directs towards does, never as a serious come on, but more of a kind flattery thing.
He likes to sing, mostly to himself, but sometimes to entertain young kids.
His previous herd was slaughtered by human poachers and their pack of dogs. He had been Prime at the time and his son was Prince. He never speaks of the day, but it is obviously a great source of shame for him.
The trinket he wears around his neck is a piece of his son's horn and he cherishes it above all else.

Meadowlark (Lark)

2'3" No Abnormalities

Beautiful sounds - things like birdsong, soft breezes through the trees, running water, soft rain, and night-time chirpings. She's very sound-oriented and enjoys imitating these sounds in song.

Company - While she's not extremely outgoing or talkative, she very much likes spending time with others and tries her best to be good company in return.

Being in a harem - Lark isn't really interested in the idea of pairing off later in life. She plans on participating in siv as long as she can. She finds it very flattering when a ram picks her from the crowd to be the bearer of part of his bloodline. She doesn't much like carrying the kid, it's uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but a caring ram, the sense of importance, and raising the kid make it worth the trouble.

Sickness - Not because of the sickness itself, but she finds the sounds of sickness very abrasive.

Buttercups - The buds taste alright, but she finds the stems and leaves horrible, which ruins the whole thing for her.

Meadowlark is a fairly typical goennec. She's herd-oriented, loyal to her Prime and Prince, eager to do her part, and generally enjoys life as it is. She is comfortable with herself and not much bothers her.

What sets her apart is her love of song. She wishes she had the voice of a bird. While she has a lovely voice, it's the voice of a goennec. While others may wish to be a bird for flight, she fixates on the beautiful twills and chirps of their feathered friends. 

Native Dancer

Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally colored
No Abnormalties

Mate/ marital status: 

Kids mainly. She lives for them and almost allows herself pride in her talent maternal talent.

Conflict, pain, discomfort, physical contact, loud noises, dangerous situations, basically anything that will trigger her paranoia. 

Native Dancer, or Endie (ND), is very withdrawn. She keeps mostly to herself and her few, close friends. She's a pushover and horribly paranoid. She has a strange thought process and often finds it hard to hold conversations for very long as she will soon start drifting from the topic at hand. Her personality flaws cause her to be grouped in with the peasants.
The one thing that really drives her is her strong maternal instinct. She loves to be around kids and is quite skilled with them. She finds that she is able to be assertive and firm with them despite her lack of social skills around older goennecs. Because of this, she puts up with the uncomfortable situation of harem life if a male decides to take her in despite her low status.

Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities
Mate/ marital status: 
Olympia especially loves playfighting and rough-housing.
She loves the water and rain as well and enjoys daydreaming while watching a storm.
Sitting still, Olympia almost never sits still. Even in datdreaming, she still rocks or taps a paw, something to keep her moving.
Oli's least favorite time of the year is summer. Sure the eating is good, but she hates the warmer air, especially with her long mane and shaggier fur.
Olympia is much more outgoing than her mother. She's very tomboyish and loves to rough-house with the other youngsters. However, she's small, even for her age so she rarely wins the playfights.
Her favorite thing to do is to mess with the jokesters and has an eye for spotting the traps they lay.
Sometimes she feels as though she's her mother's caretaker as much as her mother is hers and she tries her best to be understanding and supportive of Endie's nervous nature. Deep down, she shares the fears and anxiety, but her outgoing personality is enough to hide it from others.


Stats [height, variations]: 2‘1“, slight limp on the right fore

No mate

Likes: Snow; She adores snow, ice, and the cold. Given the choice, she’d take snow over sun any day, even though it may mean a little less in her stomach.

Running and Jumping; Sandy’s got heaps of energy which she most often releases through running her little hooves off and taking flying leaps over and onto anything she possibly can.

Socializing; She’s not at all a goennec who can go long without social interaction. She likes to know what’s going on with everyone.

Dislikes: Rain; Though she loves snow and cold, rain to her just feels miserable. The only type of rain she likes is freezing rain. It’s not that fun to endure, but afterwards, the valley sparkles with what looks like natural ice sculptures.

Being held in place for too long. She needs to move. Even when having a conversation, she’s constantly shifting her weight, taking little steps, or swinging her tail.

Personality: Young and fresh, Sany’s determined to prove herself a valuable member of the herd. After spending her first year in a rescue, being rejected from her first herd for a slight natural limp, and much of the second year in a solitary rescue setting (where she stole a few hearts and earned her bow), she sometimes worries that Devarsi accepted her into the herd when she was released nearby because he knew he had to, or because he actually saw that she would be a useful member.

She’s got the attention span of a fly, but she tries her best to show him and the others in her new herd that her limp isn’t a detriment and she isn’t useless.

White Dallas (Dallas)

1'6" Affected
Peasant - for lack of horns and inability to hear

Rocks, stones, and minerals - She loves studying the patterns of materials in stones. While she loves the home valley, she wishes there was more stone. She's already memorized all the notable stone outcroppings there. Though she still has quite a few river stones to overturn, she can't wait to be able to get over to the mountains where she'll never run out of rock to explore.

Oddities - Dallas has always had a love for all things odd. She doesn't understand the concepts of socially supported norms. To her, something odd or different is something new and something to find joy in. Even in seemingly 'normal' things and goennecs, she searches for the thing that sets it/them apart from the rest and loves them for it.

Kids - Kids are full of energy and life. She finds them exciting and always encourages them to have as much fun as possible.

Bear - Being that she is deaf, causing her to be mute like him, communication between the two of them is very comfortable. They both understand how to direct the others attention appropriately and don't have to worry about awkward silence. She often seeks him out on hectic days so she can relax comfortably with him, without feeling the pressure of trying to 'say' much.

Negativity - This is something that confuses her. Her whole self focuses so much on the positive that she can't understand how anyone could let something bad overtake all the good. She doesn't pretend nothing bad exists or happens, but she doesn't see why any of it should be allowed to ruin the good.

Though she's deaf, she's gotten very good at reading body language. So long as conversation isn't entirely specific and those communicating with her take care to gesture appropriately, she doesn't have too much of an issue understanding.
Being affected, her looks and abilities are anything but normal, but, though she knows this, it doesn't bother her. She doesn't see herself as something shameful or wrong, rather, she just sees herself as being more obviously different. Goennecs that are fairly uniform-looking, she believes to be strange in non-physical ways. Being 'normal' to her would be near impossible.
Despite being so tiny and having some weird physical abnormalities, internally, she is perfectly healthy. Her odd toes even contribute positively to her mobility and she can easily keep pace with the herd. This is something she takes pride in. The others are often surprised to see how quickly she can race across the grass.

She often avoids long sun exposure, and rolling in certain weeds/grasses as her skin is sensitive. 

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