Official Goey RP Characters Site


Height: 2'1 
Weight: 45lbs 

Mate/ marital status: 

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 

Sun rise and sunset. It makes her happy and peaceful and gives her time to reflect upon the world and her life.
Kids. China lives to look after and love the kids of the herd. They are the only goennecs that she will get dirty or silly for.
Grooming. She loves to be clean and well groomed, so she can spend hours making sure she looks gorgeous.
Rams. China loves flirting with the boys and admires a big tough guy more than anything. 

Dirt. Or being dirty in any form, being such a clean and prim girl she really can't stand being messy.
Humans. She doesn't trust them much and will avoid them for the most part. 

Personality: .
China thinks of herself in a few words, elegant, poised, graceful and delicate. The doe can come across a little cold thanks to her poised nature but its far from the truth, she is actually a very sweet kind girl when you get to know her. There's a real wild side locked inside her ready to be drawn out, though that will be difficult for anyone who tries. 
China likes to conduct herself with grace and will often be quiet around others, she is more of a listener than a talker unless she wants to talk. China is a very wise girl and often clever. 

Around the rams she likes China can be very coy and act all shy. She is a super flirt though. 


Height: 2'2
Weight: 49lbs

Mate/ marital status: 


Razzy, she's his best friend and favorite doe in the world, though his feelings do not stretch to wanting her for the siv, thankfully cause she would bite him.
The pair are both nutty so they get on well. 
Sunbathing, he is a real sun gooey and will spend hours laying in the heat, the warmer and sunnier the better. Not a lover of the cold he is esthetic when the warmth comes around.
Running, he loves to just take off and race, the wind, his friends. anything is good for him.

Being bored, he cant stand having nothing to do (unless he's sunbathing) and will find ways to amuse himself. Luckily he is a rather simple goey who takes pleasure in the simple things in life.
Rejection, especially from pretty does who he likes to flirt with. He gets his feelings hurt easy.

Fig has real lust for life and takes joy in everything he does, he can always find something that will make him smile, even the smallest thing, he can come off as a little eccentric sometimes as his random personality leaves him doing things the other goennecs find…strange, like sitting happily in a tree for hours at a time. 
Fig is generally a softie who wouldn’t hurt a fly when it comes to the Siv all bets are off, it’s a chance to butt heads with the other males and show off how strong he is, though its all a show really and no one usually gets hurt, Fig knows he a handsome ram and doesn’t understand the concept of shy or subtle, if he wants a doe he’s going to charm her until she follows him, that or sulk about it when she says no, mostly no one can resist him anyway.
Though he’s friendly, silly and fun loving this ram has swagger, he is very aware that the ladies love him and lets everyone else know he knows, he’s proud of his glossy coat, strong hooves and quick paws. Generally he only walks around puffing his chest out if the aforementioned ladies are in the vicinity, and anyway, it’s a Siv thing. Fig tends to relax a lot more come late winter or early spring, he likes to get messy and so he usually appears scruffy and covered in some form of dirt with his mane in a tangle, usually with Razzy at his side and a sheepish grin on his face.
He wouldn’t dream of rubbing it in anyone else’s face though and rather than boast about his good fortune he can often be seen coaching the younger more nervous rams on the best way to win a ladies heart and how to be confident. Giving them a kind word or two to help out, and he’s secretly a bit of a softie. 
Thanks to his generally sweet nature Fig finds it hard to take rejection, from females at least, and cant understand it when someone doesn’t want him around, he tends to go lean on Razzy then as she usually cheers him up. Its not easy to upset this bold guy though as he’s usually forgotten whatever upset him seconds after it happened in favour of something more fun or important that can be done. It tends to be harder for males to upset him and he usually just brushes them off.

When Fig has to concentrate its like a whole different Ram comes out, he is focused and driven with his eyes on the prize, he wont fidget or shuffle like he does when he’s not doing anything and he tends to be calm and quiet. it’s the intelligent part of him taking over and it makes the rest of the herd marvel at how someone so totally happy go lucky (and slightly insane) can be so focused and driven when he needs to be. Fig could never keep this up though and gladly goes back to being his usual bouncy self the second he isn’t needed anymore. 


Height: 2'4
Weight: 53lbs

Mate/ marital status: 

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 


Company: Flip is a real herd Ram, he loves the company of the other Goennec’s and will never stray far from them. Some of his earliest memories are of dozing in the sun with his mother and their friends in the height of summer and he still enjoys the lazy companionship of hazy summer days. Flip is the kind of guy who just likes being around others and gets along with everyone. 
Stars: The twinkling lights appeal to his more playful side and Flip loves to lay in the long grass and watch them on moonlit nights. It gives him a chance to relax and think while the rest of the herd are at rest. A simple time to reflect on life, full of simple happiness.
Razzy: The best kept secret in the history of the herd, Flip has a little bit of an innocent crush on the sassy doe and secretly keeps a special eye on her. Her natural shyness and Flip’s slightly over zealous method of flirting tend to keep them apart, but on the occasions they do speak they balance each other nicely, Flip’s natural calm confident attitude meshing with Razzy’s scatter-brained, dizzy shyness. 
Mud: Thick, cool, squashy mud really appeals to the playful side in Flip and he loves the feel of it on his skin. Quite often in rainstorms he will run along the river bank, especially enjoying squishing it with his back paws and wiggling his toes around in it. 
Strawberries: His favourite food in all of the world, the little red berries are the highlight of spring and summer and Flip is always excited to see the first little white flowers appear on the wild bushes that sprawl through his valley home. 

Fights: Within the herd at least, Flip doesn’t like to see any members of the herd fighting about anything, tension within the group means they aren’t functioning as well as a herd and enemies can exploit weakness which puts the rest of the herd in potential danger. In Flips opinion if you can’t get on, keep out of each others way. 
Thunder: despite being a big brave Goennec when it comes to most things, Flip is secretly scared of thunderstorms. Though he doesn’t mind lightning and thinks its quite pretty, it’s the huge rolls of thunder across the sky that make Flip quiver. Sensibly he knows thunder cant hurt him and reminding himself of this is the only way he can stay relatively calm in a storm. 
Flies: they are annoying, the make a silly loud buzzing sound and never leave you alone. The height of summer on hot sticky days are terribly annoying for Flip, he hates the tickly way flies land on him and tries to keep out of their way preferring the cool of the river bank to the shade of sappy trees. 

Confident: Born strong and healthy to a wonderful mother Flip had an amazing start to life, even as a youngster he was leader of the pack, many of the other kids falling in line behind him during games and play. His natural calm friendly disposition and confident aura draw the others of the herd towards him and he welcomes their attention without being cocky, he just loves company. Flip is usually the first one to try new things or speak to new people.
Friendly: Really, you couldn’t meet a nicer Ram if you tried. Flip has a tendency to see the good in everyone, though his instincts serve him well. Though he understands the need to be tough on rebellious members of the herd he somehow manages to do it with a smile. His naturally warm attitude has served him well so far and the herd responds to his firm-but-fair outlook. It isn’t often he has to butt heads with anyone and when he does he doesn’t do it lightly and always tries to find a better way. 
Flirty: Yes, he is a typical male and tends to spend a lot of time practising his fledgling flirting skills on the doe’s. Not that they mind. Flip is a charmer when in comes to the ladies, being relaxed and lazily confident gives him a smouldering charm which the girls find irresistible, not that they let on. 
Playful: Though he’s very laid back Flip has a real cheeky playful side to his personality that can appear at anytime. He takes great joy in the simple things in life and the smallest thing can make him happy. As a youngster he often played with the other kids, usually being the first one to come up with a new game.

Loyal: Flip is very passionate about his herd and all the Goennec’s in it. He couldn’t imagine turning his back on any member, be it family or friend. Prepared to fight to the death and lay down his life for his herd, Flip will do anything for those he loves.  


2'1, 48lbs
No Mate 

Raz likes a ton of things, playing in water happens to be one of her favorites, this little doe just loves to get wet and splash about. Swimming, laying or splashing around in cool water its all good to her. 
Running, she loves to run and play with her friends and family. The wind in her man's and the grass against her feet. 
Snow, its white, fluffy and wet. You can jump about in it and play with it, Razzy loves to roll about it the cold white stuff and always gets excited when the first snow falls. 

Boredom, its drives her insane to be bored. Literally she gets fidgeting and.fed up. She will do anything to amuse herself if she gets bored.
Razzy hates fog, she doesn't like not being able to see and so when the fog rolls in she gets jumpy and unsettled. 
Extreme heat is another thing she dislikes. Not that she minds warm days, but when its too hot she gets twitchy.

Personality: .
Razzy is a happy go lucky kind of girl with a sassy attitude and a cheeky grin. You will rarely see her unhappy or sad and if she is upset it won't last long. 
The only time she ever gets awkward is when she comes across a ram she likes, then she becomes a little tongue tied and can babble a little. It's a sweet trait. 
Playful minded and able to find joy in most things Raz loves almost everything, from a butterfly or the sunset she finds joy in so many thongs around her.
Raz does have a tendency to get bored easy so its lucky she can amuse herself so easily really. If someone or something doesn't interest her she will drift off into her own little world. Daydreamer is a word often used around razzy. 

When unhappy Raz can be a real sulk. 

Royale (Ro)

Height: 2'1 
Weight: 50lbs

Frogs: Having spent most of her young life bounding after little frogs and chasing them through rivers, obviously not harming them, Royale will always have a soft spot for the little jumping creatures and will quite often play with them, she figures as long as they don’t get hurt they wont mind, they always seem quite happy around her, or at least they ignore her for the most part.
Royale also likes the noise the frogs make when they gather at dusk, their gentle croaking relaxes her, its that deep low noise that seems to settle her.

Autumn: Royale loves everything about autumn, from the beautiful colours of the leaves on the trees all shades of gold, brown, orange and yellow, along with the flowers that only bloom in autumn. The crisp smell of the first autumn frost in the air that she could just stand and breathe in all day. The cooler air that takes over from the heat of summer, always so hot in her dark coat. 

Clouds: Appealing to her playful nature Royale just cant help herself, she loves to lay in a patch of soft squishy grass and watch puffy white clouds drift around, she’s sure they would be super soft if she could just get to touch one. Royale can spend hours watching clouds and seeing pictures in them, making up little stories in her mind. Its one indulgence she really loves on a breezy summer afternoon. 

Rams: she likes to act up to them, flirting and strutting around. As well as arguing with them. Though she isn’t an overly girly girl she does enjoy a good flirt around the time of the siv, and when that’s all done with she likes the tough banter the rams of the herd throw at her, she gets on better with them than the does, with the exception of Razzy. 

Heat: or extreme heat anyway, with her dark coat the hottest of summer days are the bane of her days and she will often hide in the shadows of trees while the sun is high in the sky. Either finding shade or cooling off in the rivers. Royale just gets itchy and irritated in the hottest summer days, and she tends to keep to herself when she feels like this to avoid arguing. 

China: possibly the only doe in the herd that Royale just cannot get on with, mostly due to the grey doe’s unfailing grooming routine and Royale’s complete lack of care for her appearance. Honestly Ro is suspicious of China and thinks the other doe is a little too stuck up, they just don’t have anything in common and therefore rarely speak.

Bears: They are the one thing that Royale really fears, she has heard stories and tales of bears and wishes to never meet one. Ro dislikes that there is a chink in her armour, so to speak, and this intensifies her disliking of the big creatures. Tending to front out her fear she often claims she would love to fight a bear, not wanting to seem weak in front of the rest of the herd. 

Woodlice: for a wild goennec she is particularly squeamish about woodlice, not that she’s scared of them, she just dislikes them, they kind of creep her out. With their lots of legs and curling up into little balls. If she can avoid touching them then she will, but she will touch them if she has too. Ro can put up with them from far away too, and she still wouldn’t squish one, they just make her shudder. 

Personality: .
Meeting Royale for the first time is like an explosion, this girl is so in your face you cant help but notice her. With her bold and sometimes forceful nature it’s a good thing that she’s actually really friendly or she could be considered brash. 
Royale would never see anything she said as rude however, its just sometime’s she doesn’t think before she speaks and things she says can come out a little, rough, perhaps. If you were to tell her she had hurt someone’s feelings she would be surprised and a little upset, wanting to make things right with them. 
Royale is a bit of a hothead sometimes thanks to her total self confidence, which can make her a bit prone to rushing into situations where she could possibly wind up in danger or hurt. Luckily she has calmer herd mates around to keep her out of trouble for the most part.
Though Royale is a very friendly and often kind goennec she isn’t one to back away from a fight and will quite happily butt heads with someone if they start the argument, she can be stubborn in an argument and will very rarely back down, especially when she knows, or think she knows, that she is right. 
Royale is a very sparkly doe and if she’s happy then she tends to make everyone around her happy, it rubs off on everyone around her, its just the way she is and you cant help but join in with her laughter, its infectious. 
Sometimes Royale can come off as a little sarcastic in the way she speaks, a little flippant about things which sometimes annoys others. Royale never means it nastily its just who she is and it’s the way she talks, she wont apologise for it unless she feels really bad, which isn’t often.
Ro is a tough little doe and has always prided herself on being strong, she likes to be able to handle herself in any situation and will spend hours ‘training’ herself to be the best she can be. Running laps with Fig or pushing large boulders around to make sure she’s fit, she likes to be quick on her feet and thinks of herself as a pretty swift goennec.

This doe is a bluffer, honestly she’ll tell you she could lift the world on one hoof if it ever occurred to her to say it. Challenge her to anything, be it racing, swimming, being silent, and you’ve got one over confident, zealous unstoppable force on your hands. Ro wont quit until she’s won but sometimes she can overestimate herself a little and pushes herself too hard, she’s a sore loser though and the only time you’ll see her sulking is when she has lost to someone. Its all wounded pride though and she quickly bounces back to take the world on again. 


Height: 2'1
Weight: 45lbs

Mate/ marital status: 

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 

Rain: Saturn just adores rain, playing in the cool droplets is such fun. When those big fat clouds start to gather she gets very excited. There is nothing more fun than running through the rain, sliding on the grass and trying to catch drops of it on your tongue. 
The other reason Saturn likes rain is because its clean, it washes away the dust and heat of summer and makes everything shimmer and gleam. Its cool and refreshing and makes everything smell nice too, the sound of it in the trees relaxes her. Saturn just loves rainy days.

Winter: Unusual for her herd Saturn prefers the cool of winter to the heat of summer and loves the sharp cold of the winter months. Rather than seeing the bleak landscape as dead and something to be sad about she see’s it as a blank canvas, refreshing itself and just waiting to spring forth again with new life. it’s the smell of cold air too that makes it so nice for her, that clean fresh smell, especially in the pine woods, and the sparkle and glitter of a morning frost. So pretty with its patterns on everything around her. The winter sun makes everything so beautiful and she enjoys the warm, without being too hot, sunny days. The only thing that she isn’t keen on is the few snowy weeks the herd usually see. 

Flip: No Saturn has no designs on Flip as far as the siv is concerned, in fact she’d rather avoid that altogether, but she does find the rams calm presence relaxing and he’s the one goennec that Saturn feels any degree of affection, or indifference, towards and she allows him closer to her than anyone else, though he still isn’t allowed too close and any probing questions will be met with silence and an edgy doe. 

Heat: Saturn isn’t keen on being hot, it makes her itchy and irritable and tends to lead to her snapping at the other herd members for no reason. The hot sun on her black fur is often really uncomfortable and she feels like she’s burning. Often seeking solitude by laying in the shallows of the river by herself that’s usually where you’ll find her during the day. 

Confrontation: Though she’s no wimp, being rather shy Saturn doesn’t much like confrontation or argument and will try to avoid it if possible, she’s a rather kind soul anyway and any arguing just leaves her feeling bad, even is she didn’t start it. Being a stocky little thing she’s better at physical fights than arguments, though of course she’d rather avoid it altogether she realises sometimes your just going to clash horns with others. 

Spiders: They make her skin crawl and freak her out completely, its that tickly skin tingling feeling that creeps up your spine when their feather light crawling runs across your coat. Saturn would rather never see spiders and is always watching for them when their babies hatch in summer. If surprised Saturn is quite comically frightened and it gives her herd mates a laugh. 

Razzy: Ok, she doesn’t dislike the loud and rather brash doe but the other females larger than life bubbly personality makes her feel more uncomfortable than any other goennec in the herd. Saturn also realised soon after joining the herd that Razzy saw through her easily and whenever Saturn chose to spoke and wasn’t telling, well the whole truth, it was Razzy that looked at her as if to say ‘I see what you did there, you don’t fool me’. So Saturn tends to avoid speaking to the intuitive little doe.


Amusing: In the best way possible Saturn is a silly hooves. More than once she’s drifted into her own little world and been left alone somewhere, panicing when she realises. Quite often she surprised herself or scares herself much to the amusement of the herd. it’s the side of her that balances out the shyness and for this reason she’s fun to have around. 

Mysterious: Saturn isn’t an original herd member, meaning she wasn’t born into the herd she now lives in. No one really knows where she came from they just know she turned up on a rainy night, soaking wet, skinny and clearly nervous. When asked about where she came from she clams up and pretends not to hear. Often the herd hears her nightmares and wonder if something from her past causes her shyness now. 

Saturn is a mixture of many things and can be a contradiction in herself, she’s playful but shy, quiet but forceful when needed intelligent but totally ditzy sometimes. Its like there are two sides to this little mystery doe and some of the herd find this irresistible about her. Shying away from intimate bonds with others it almost seems like Saturn wants to be a part of herd life but is afraid too, no one really knows why she keeps such a distance.
It seems to be with females rather than males that Saturn gets more uncomfortable, not that she enjoys the company of males particularly but if cornered by one its easier to be flippant and flirty which rams are happy with, than to be real and straight talking with does who see through her bluff and awkwardness. 

Though new to the herd and cripplingly shy now Saturn is slowly becoming less and less nervous with her herd and starting to settle in, Saturn remembers a playful time when she hadn’t been so shy, though she’s always been quieter than most, when kids used to love playing with her and she hadn’t been so afraid of everyone and one day she really hopes to be able to open up and bond with the goennecs she shares her home and life with.  

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