Rain's Characters


 Naturally colored
no abnormalities.
Mate/ marital status: No mate

The sound of the wind among the feathery meadow grasses
Running and adventuring
Joking and having fun--though when he's being serious, he is, and can get frustrated if other Goennecs don't take him seriously.
The sound of running watter; streams
Autumn, and mostly cooler weather--though he likes spring as well.
Snow and rain
Feeling free

Rude/overly arrogantgoennecs
Feeling closed in; though doesn't like being in completely flat, open spaces with no possible shelter either.
Bullying/taking advantage of others
Extreme heat during summertime
Losing anyone he cares about
Being told what to do; being treated like a kid.

Kaze is a spunky, outgoing goennec who likes to explore and, though he can be cautious around others he doesn't know, he can make friends pretty easily and usually has long-lasting friendships once they're formed. He loves joking around and having fun, and often likes to just run all of his stress away, kicking up pebbles or leaping through the feathery grass that likes to tickle his hooves and paws. Kaze can also be overprotective, however--he will protect his friends at almost all cost, and will if he needs to. Some goennecs may describe him as reckless and rash, though really he just goes with what he feels is right. Other times he'll go off on his own just to think, though when he does it's for something that doesn't call for instant action or such. He can be competitve, strong-willed and stubborn, which can be either a positive or negative, depending on what goennec you ask. Some would say that it's a bad trait, that it will only lead to trouble. But not others, and not Kaze himself. Others will argue that it's an admirable trait; one a goennec should be proud to posess. Sometimes he can be...somewhat rebellious, but only if it's something he feels strongly about and doesn't doubt his decision. 
Like nearly all other goennecs, he does get lonely if he isn't with others for a long period of time. However, every once in awhile his independent streak shows itself, and he likes to go off and explore for short periods of time, though he returns to the herd; his home. 

Takuo, but goes by 'T'.

Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally colored
No abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: None; he's a kid.

Exploring, climbing, and running around; he loves being active, and he has almost endless energy.
Having fun, playfighting, and playing with the other kids.
Joking around, making new friends, playing good-natured pranks etc.
Talking...almost nonstop, and to almost anyone.
Snow. He loves it! Especially when it's powdery and newly fallen, instead of hardly packed beneath his paws and hooves.
Leaping into piles of leaves during autumn, even though he usually trots away with bits and pieces of crimson and gold leaves caught in his pelt.
Visiting the herd's elders, or friendly herd members; whether soldier, peasant, or other. He especially loves recieving challenges, riddles, or hearing stories from them.

Rude goennecs, especially when they're mean or rude to his friends or family.
If any of his family members or friends get hurt.
Getting hurt or injured.
Liars; or goennecs who try to take advantage of others.
Not talking or being able to have fun; he hates being bored.
When he has to sit still; it's almost impossible for him!

Spunky, wild, and up to no good...usually. That's Takuo to a T. Which, in fact, is quite fitting, considering that this young male prefers to drop his full name and just stick with the first letter.'T' is adventurous and fun-loving, and very....very...outgoing. So much, to the point, where he speaks out to almost any random goennec and in some situations where he should just keep his mouth shut. No, he's not rude, just curious and spunky. T almost always needs to be doing something, whether it's exploring the very edges of the lush valley in which he and the rest of the herd lives, confronting a shy garter snake before it slithers away, or just racing the other kids and laughing, telling jokes. He also enjoys visiting the herd's friendly elders on occasion, enjoying their optimism and joy.
T is nearly always up to mischeif, and you can nearly always see his striking golden eyes shining with happiness or excitement; rarely is this little goennec upset. He is very talkative; and along with his outgoing nature, he is a pretty easy goennec to become friends with--unless, of course,you find his hyper personality and antics annoying, in which case...he may not be your best fit. However, T is nearly always friendly to everyone, and can easily cheer you up if you happen to be down. After all, it's pretty hard to keep a frown on consistent on your face when a big bundle of fur is bouncing around, beaming and laughing. He's a great friend, and loves to run, racing through the grasses, and exploring, climbing his way up small hills of rock, and jumping--or rolling ears over tail-- back down.
Though he dislikes anyone messing with his freinds or family, though that almost never happens. He loves his relatives, and his friends, and it seems like, along with his parents, the whole herd is his family. He certaintly has spoken to each member at least once, and rarely does he not recognize a herd member, and if he does, he has to trot over and exclaim a friendly 'hi!', before going off to play once more. It's definately easy to say Takuo is very easygoing and excitable; carefree and outgoing, always friendly.
Takuo is really, despite his hyperness {which some goennecs enjoy, others roll their eyes at} a great friend, one you can trust and laugh with, having almost endless fun; but knowing that you have a great, trustworthy and loyal friend all the same.

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