Official Goey RP Characters Site

Apple tree growing from tail base

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Sunshine; Dona very much enjoys lying in the sun, looking up into the heavens above. She imagines what it would be like to fly, what it would be like to touch a cloud. Would it melt under her touch, or just let her hoof bounce right off?

Bees; Dona love bees. They intrigue her immensely by their constant moving to and from each flower in the area then disappearing into the sunlight. She tries to follow them, but always loses sight of the one she had running after. She would still like to know where they go.

Poetry; Idona loves to recite and create poetry. She finds it wonderful to be able to recite poems told to her, and to make up her own ones that she can tell people. Dona hopes to become known for her poems in the future and being dubbed 'Queen of Poetry' by the Prime. This is one of the biggest things in life she wants to achieve.

Rainbows; The colours in the rainbow, Dona loves them. LOVES them. That is all.

Ribbons; Dona is frequently searching the land for any ribbons human children have left behind. She has a small collection of them back in her den from all the times she's followed humans on the large horses that wandered through the Goennec's land. She especially loves the pink ribbons, it matches her eyes.

Apples; Quite ironic considering she has apples growing from her. It's because of this she doesn't like apples, she has never liked the taste of them, finding the sour and overly crunchy.

Wasps; Wasps look a lot like bees to Dona, and when she thinks it's a bee but actually a wasp it'll give her a little sting on her nose. Not enough to harm her, but enough to warn her not to bother it any more.

Black Clouds; Even though she loves clouds, Dona knows what the black ones bring. The large storm that follows is very threatening to her, the way that it just rolls in in an unforgiving way. She likes the rain and how the lightning lights up the sky so you can see the night landscape, but when she sees the black clouds she cowers and runs to hide.

Horses; Where Dona lives in Australia there are many wild Brumbies. These Brumbies aren't out to hurt anything, but because of their size, compared to Dona and the other Goeys, the herd finds them a large threat. Dona no like other hoofers.


Dreams, Imagination and Amusing - The creative side of Idona
Idona is a very large dreamer. She spends a lot of time daydreaming about the impossible, like flying and travelling the stars. She has always wanted to touch a cloud, wanted to know what it would be like. She imagines being different animals and often pretends to be that animal for a while. eating like them, walking like them and sometimes even being them for as long as a week. This sometimes scares the other Goennecs, especially when Dona pretends to be a predator. But this often leads to being told off by her mother, and the other female Goeys. Idona is a comedian of sorts. She loves to go up to Goennecs and tell them funny stories, act something out that results in the good old slapstick endings.

Strict, Committed and Overwhelming - The serious side of Idona
Idona gets down to business when it comes to her teaching. She doesn't tolerate any disruptive behaviour at all. But she is fun, and that is a very big relief to her students. Though when she puts her mind to it, Dona can be overwhelming to be around. She gets in your face if she thinks you aren't doing something correct or need you immediate attending to. Dona is and always has been committed to her work, and will be until she can't teach any more for whatever reason that would be.


Dona is a generally great Goennec to be around, always up for a laugh. But when it comes to her teaching, Dona isn't one to mess around. She is serious about her work, and get right into it. Though sometimes she becomes overly obsessive about it, getting on everyone's nerves. But they know it won't last long with Dona, who usually goes back to being her loved self; entertaining. While she loves entertaining the other Goennecs, she knows that behind her back the other female Goennecs of her age are teasing her. This puts her down, sometimes for days she won't dance or tell jokes. But Anio just tells her to prove them wrong by doing what she does even more. And she loves it. 


No abnormalities

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Causing trouble
Being 'da boss'
Tricking everyone

Being ignored
Not being fussed over
Females that ignore him


Dangerous, Crazy and Care-free; 
Everywhere this Goennec goes, he creates danger. It isn't his fault, most of the time. It's just the series of events that take place that unfold into disaster. No one gets hurt in these episodes, thank Goey God, but someone could. The thing he invents to try and improve the way Goennecs live are wonderful, if they ever worked. He is well and truly raving mad. He comes up with the most crazy ideas, and tries to perform them. This also ties in with the 'dangerous' trait, because most things this mad boy does ends up being dangerous. He will just go where ever pleases him at the time, he might even wonder off for extended periods of time, not telling where he is going or when he would return. Every Goennec herd needs a crazed inventor don't they?

Stubborn, Trickster and Rude;

Don't tell him to cool his crazy, ever, if you want to keep your tail fur. He will create something to burn it all off. He's very good at that, April Fool's is the one time you don't want to be anywhere near him. 'Nuff said. He would never give up on something if he thinks it can work, or even when he knows it's stupid to continue. He loves to find human products to use in his experimentations, like nuts and bolts from the town's scrap yard. Even though he is kind, he can be very rude. He back-talks to his leaders, ignores them when they are giving instructions and is constantly breaking all the rules. 

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