Lirrie's Characters


Naturally colored
All paws

Looking for a mate

Likes: Eating grass and field mice, running through long grass and shallow rivers, and playing.

Dislikes: She dislikes being told what to do, storms, big cats and unfriendly wolves.

Personality: Lavantia is ruff around the edges but once you get to know her her she softens up on you and is a sweetheart. Her favorite greeting is to sit on you and she does it to anyone she knows. If she thinks you are going to harm her friend her mane will stand on end and you will hear little huffing noises coming from her before she lowers her head and charges at you.

 Sunrise/ Jewel

Naturally colored
No Abnormalties

No mate- youth

Likes: Water and the sun, she loves to skip over the meadow.

Dislikes: People that dont try

Personality: Jewel is one determined Geo and when she wants something she works hard to get it. She must get to know you to trust you but once she does you'll never have a better friend. She is a lover not a fighter but when push comes to shove she will do what she needs to.


Naturally Colored
No Abnormalitlies

Mate: Lavantia (?)

Likes: He like to wander from the herd but always makes sure he keeps them in site, he likes to groom (alot XD), he like grass eaten from the side of the hill, and he likes locking his emotions away.

Dislikes: Havent got any yet (will pm when I do)

Personality: He can be a loner and doesnt often show his true emotions to anyone but himself. He has great pride and does as he pleases, doesnt let anyone put him down. He is a natural born fighter but don't let his rough and tough nature fool you when he does open up you will have a best friend for life. He is a bit conceited about his appearance.

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