Official Goey RP Characters Site

    Aurora (Rory)

    I'm pretty sure she's 2'3'', with no variations 

    . Rain
    . Mud
    . Swimming
    . Having fun

    . Children
    . Showy females
    . Boring Goennecs

    ory is a spitfire. She is constantly moving and constantly holding a grin on her face. Her emotions can change like the weather, fast and swift without any warning. One minute she'll be telling jokes, the next she'll be trying to bite your ears off. It's best just to follow her lead and listen, not making any comments. If you do that, then usually you wont be yelled at. 
    Rory is very hyper and childish, but not in the best way. She can be bratty at times, and is very stubborn. She doesn't like to listen to the rules, and she's bad at paying attention. She finds many things to be bored, and is only happy when she's getting into trouble, most of the time. It's rare to see her being calm. Usually you'll think she has quieted down, but really she's just trying to sneak up on your or someone else.

Rory is very bad at keeping things to herself, and is very blunt and straightforward. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, and isn't good at keeping secrets either. She will often force things out of you, and then go blabber them out to every Goennec just to start and interesting conversation. Rory is very flirtatious, and loves to show off and brag about things. It's pretty amusing. 


2'4'', no interesting variations



    . Henna
    . Snow
    . Sneaking around

    . Thunderstorms/Rain
    . Boastful Goennecs
    . Elders

    Fala is sly, sneaky, and a very reclusive Goennec. Shy isn't exactly the best word to describe her as, since the Soldier is actually quite nice and good to get along with if you know her good enough. Since she doesn't have any hooves, you don't hear the loud clicking sound when she walks or runs. Her steps are quiet and it's near impossible to hear them, making it easy to slip around and spy on others. She has been able to pick up important pieces of information because of this, and can easily get away from a troubling situation because no one is able to locate her current position. Fala is pretty smart, but sometimes has trouble working out a thought, and often dilly-dallies and needs a few moments to think something through. Because of this, and a few other reasons, Fala has taken a liking to another Soldier in the herd, Henna. Quick to think and good at focusing, Henna makes for a wonderful companion to Fala, and the two are rarely apart unless one of them is needed for something from the Prime, Buck. He often calls Fala over to ask her to spy something out for him. Whenever there is an odd scent in the air, or signs of a stranger on their territory, he makes her go and scope it out. Fala is easily able to do this, and has no trouble finding the source of these problems without getting noticed or caught. In multiple cases she has helped them out, giving her a respectable rank among the herd even though Buck himself doesn't like her much. Try as she might, Fala can't seem to earn Buck's full trust. She makes him nervous, and he doesn't like how she's able to mask herself away from him so easily. 


Mate/ marital status: 

Chosen rank : 

. Morning
. Proving She's Right
. Kids
. Thinking

. The Heat
. Goennec's who dont use their brains
. Goennecs who judge her


Henna may look elegant and regal on the outside, but is a fiery and tough female on the inside. She is always holding her head up high, and will stand up to the strongest male if she has too. She is a direct female who likes to hold respect for her Prime, and likes to be mature. Henna tries not to let anything get to her, and is very strong. But even though she has a lot of power, her best weapon is her brain. Unlike others, Henna knows that your mind is the most powerful thing you have, and uses it in battle. Yet, even though Henna can be tough and very focused, she is still sweet, caring, and dreamy when you get to know her. She likes to think a lot, but doesn't let herself get too caught up in daydreams. Henna longs to have a Kid one day. 


 She is 2'1'', no interesting variations 

Mate/ marital status: 







 Wide Spaces~


 Water {In fear she'll drown}~


 Loud Noises~


 Penny is a very shy and quiet Goennec, even though she is the daughter of the wise and very strong Prime. In general there isnt' really anything for Penny to scared or afraid of. She just is quiet. She is not mute, yet it would seem like that sometimes. 

Though shy and quiet, she doesn't overact with these traits. She isn't fidgety or scared of everything that touches her. She just doesn't want to speak her mind or thoughts as clearly as others. Penny doesn't feel worried by this either, because she is the Prime's daughter, and knows that everyone will not judge her, and respect her. Penny is happy with her lfie now, and doesn't feel any need to change the way she is. She's happy with being shy. It doesn't draw a whole bunch of attention, and keeps her at a nice level. 

Penny may be shy and quiet, but there is no shortage when it comes to being mature. Penny is constantly trying to please her parents and show that she is a good example of a proper Goennec. She doesn't eat like a pig, and never holds her head up high enough for others to think she is a snob. Being a Daddy's girl, she constantly does what it asked of him, and loves to make him proud. 

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