Jelli's Characters


Naturally Colored
No Abnormalitlies

No mate

Likes: Challenges, Excitement, Adventures, 'Winning'

Dislikes: Talking about his past, Showing his softer side, Boredom, Losing

Personality: While he isn't the smartest Goennec, Basil is known for his charm, strength, and bravery. He will fight to the death without a second thought and is considerably strong. But at times he can be a bit cocky. Basil has a softer side, but doesn't let it show often.

Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities
(Kid of Syri and Blue Bird)
Mate/ marital status: Too young for a mate
Likes: Knowledge, Basil, Exploration, Sweet Dreams, Rain.
Dislikes: Nightmares, Insults, Secrets, Creepy Places, The Dark.

Personality: One could pretty much describe Fade in one simple word, and that word would be annoying. He's nosy and persistent; he won't stop until he gets the answer he wants to hear. He's somewhat of a sensitive little kid and is sometimes hurt when others call him names, especially if it's Basil diong the name calling. He cares a lot about what Basil thinks of him and tries his best to fit those standards set by the spotted ram. He is very affectionate towards Basil and thinks of him as a father. Fade is very pessimistic and has absolutely no hope at all when things go wrong. He's quick to just give up and quit, unless he's trying to get an answer from someone. He tends to wander, and is an independent young stag. He's like a lost puppy following some stranger, and he'll usually be seen following Basil around, unless he's off getting into trouble. He suffers from slight paranoia, due to his reoccuring nightmares. 

Height unknown
Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities
Mate/ marital status: Too young for a mate
Likes: His Parents, Insects, Flowers, Discovery, Stories.
Dislikes: Boredom, Listening, Night, Sleeping, Talking.

Personality: Right now, since Fleck is still very young, his personality is still developing. Most of the time he's very cutesy and adorable, and he knows of how to use this cuteness to his advantage. He'll usually use his adorable looks to get what he wants out of his mother Melia, and sometimes others too. He's very curious of the outside world and likes to discover new things. He tries to keep himself open minded to all the new things around him, but sometimes all the excitement overwhelms him. Fleck is easily distracted and has problems paying attention. The young Goennec is jammed pack with energy and can never seem to sit still. He also has trouble sleeping and will often wake his mother up in the middle of the night for no reason at all. He seems to be taking after his mother's rather shy nature and tends to stick close to her warm belly. He doesn't talk much, but he makes up for the lack in words with his actions. 

1' 10"
Naturally Colored 
No Abnormalities 
Mate/ marital status: No mate, though she's not too terribly interested in one.
Likes: Company, Socializing, Talking, Having Fun, Laughter.
Dislikes: Lonliness, Depression, Rain, Silence, Boredom, Crying.

Personality: For the most part, Londi is and extremely bubbly and happy Goennec. She loves to have fun and goof off with her friends, however few she may have. She's very chatty and talkative, one would be lucky if she lets them utter a single word. It's a rare sight if she's ever quite, and suggests something is wrong. If she has nothing to say, she will feel uncomfortable and self conscious. If Londi is left alone for too long, she will suddenly become depressed and eventually develop insanity. She will usually be clingy and stick to others to prevent such depression. 


Naturally Colored
Mythical qualities

one central placed horn
No mane from shoulders to top of hip (bare backed)

No mate

Likes: Singing, Birds, Music, Meadows, Summer

Dislikes: Shadows (including her own), The color red, Thunderstorms, Pressure 

Personality: Melia is usually very happy, peaceful, and easy-going around others. But she doesn't do well in pressuring situations and will usually snap fairly easily. She is rather shy and tries to avoid large groups, but will approach others if she has a purpose.

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