iBrevity's characters


Naturally colored
No Abnormalities

No mate

Likes: Gentle and serene, Alabaster loves being social. He is almost always in the company of somebody or something, as just adores the concept of being with another. He is generally a rather quiet male and keeps to himself, but he is a fantastic listener and this has earned him multiple friends within the herd. He also loves young ones and the idea of having some himself one day, but so far he has yet to find that "special one". He likes it when others are sweet and nice to him, and he adores, in turn, being sweet and nice to others. But his biggest, most obvious like is the female he follows around, the insane Queen.

Dislikes: Due to how easily delighted Alabaster is, his list of dislikes is extremely short. The top is being split from Queen, as he hates not having her in his sight if nothing else. Their relationship is difficult to explain to those who do not understand Queen, and most of the time Alabaster doesn't even try to make others get it. He also hates speaking of his past for rather obvious reasons, and tries to avoid it at most costs. It makes him both awkward and uncomfortable, two things he always tries to avoid.

Personality: Since he met and joined with Queen, he has softened considerably. Any temperament that he held before evaporated, and now he is left with only his calm and gentle side. Being so incredibly compassionate means he leaves a lingering reputation within the herd, and not for being a fantastic soldier. Because he is willing to help anybody and anything, he is normally counted as "another sweetheart" and this gets him rather far. He is easily embarassed when in the presence of females, and normally submissive when around other males. He is not a fighter, and would much rather make love rather then war.

"Delirium" Deathwish


No mate

Likes: The only thing that Deli technically likes is his best and deceased friend, Deathmark. His second name comes from his best friend, and that's the limit of really what he enjoys. Now that even that has been taken from him, Delirium is a withdraw and anti-social male. He does not like anything anymore, except maybe the sadistic study and dropping rather cruel nightmares where ever he wanders.

Dislikes: Now that he has had everything taken from him, Delirium dislikes practically everything he encounters. He no longer speaks to the other Sand Men he works with; he doesn't cultivate friendships anymore or dream about finding a way out of his servitude. He dislikes everything. Delirium isn't a particularly mean male, but he isn't nice anymore either. Time was warped him into a mere shadow of what he once was.

Personality: Deli is a sharp-minded, highly intelligent male with absolutely no luck. Everything that can go wrong in his life, or afterlife, does go wrong. He has lately become highly temperamental and mean, and will leave lingering, scarring nightmares to even the most innocent of people he comes across. He is silent and no longer speaks in soothing dreams where he once did and vengeance is a thing high on his mind. The one thing he wishes for these days is to get a physical body so that he can murder those scientests who killed his best friend.


Stats [height, variations]: He's blind. c:
Mate/ marital status: None.

Likes: His likes focus primarily on a single thing: sleeping. Even in the middle of the day Merc can be found asleep, and this is only because of two separate things. One; it is only in his dreams that he can see, and the landscapes are always vivid colors and beautiful imagination. Two; it is only here that he can find his old best and somewhat lover, Delirium. 

Dislikes: Simply enough; everything that has nothing to do with sleeping. This includes being active, being forced to interact with others, being asked to play nice, and having others assume they're friends. Anti-social to most, Merc doesn't really enjoy anything about meeting others. There are minor ticks that, occasionally, he does like, which is finding somebody else with dreams.

Personality: Bitingly sarcastic, Merc is a young kid with the soul of someone surprisingly ancient. Due to this, he is known to pull out some unusual wisdom in the oddest of places and times; and most likely, this advice comes in handy. He doesn't have very good relationships with others because of his clashing, and difficult personality, but in all honesty he is perfectly fine with it. Almost constantly focused on sleeping and his dreams, he is normally highly relaxed and almost lethargic. When forced to become active he is normally cranky; and again, hard to get along with. Most find at first glance a cute young kid and discover within minutes a pessimistic, snarky boy.


Unnaturally colored
Curled horns

Stalked by Alabaster; no mate

Likes: Being in control. Queen has a sort of wildcard personality that makes it impossible for her to bow to others. While she may follow orders of her "leader", so does it only for her own selfish furthering. She has no respect for anybody, and this makes her rather anti-social; but she does love fellow pariahs as herself who avoid others too. She adores silence, and the quiet, blanketing awkwardness that comes with it when in the company of others. Queen, while being overly complicated, does have her softer side. From a brief memory in her past, the sight of a single blooming flower always makes her sigh softly and pull back a little from the terrible jagged edge of her sanity. Perhaps one day she will find a full meadow and discover a peace she hasn't experienced in years.
Dislikes: This far outways any likes she has in her life. Queen hates others. The only exception of this general rule are those that remain silent and don't try to raise conversations with her. She hates being questioned, commanded, or overruled, and she also hates being followed. Queen is a rather insane girl, and she has a reputation swaddled around her. Due to being constantly judged by her plethora of rumors, Queen hates those that just look at a label and expect her to conform to it. She is a complete rebel and doesn't mind showing this to others, even if it really gets her in trouble with those above her. Queen actually enjoys being punished; this is where her sadistic side shows through.
Personality: Queen is, in one over all word, insane. She can be viewed as being insane in many different ways. Being so cold-hearted and merciless has earned her a fearful cast of followers; being so anti-happiness has given her a brisk outlook on life. She does not often find those who can sympathize with her, and perhaps she likes this; perhaps not. Queen is almost always alone, and it has always been taken for granted that she enjoys this sense of loneliness. Its hard to say when nobody actually knows her. She does not like others trying to get close to her, and this makes her almost stingy by their standards; she is not arrogant, although she sure seems like it. In truth, Queen's image, painted by her reputation, is how others see her. It is difficult to tell whether or not these are mere lies or if it is truly how she functions.


Naturally colored
Mythical qualities

8-foot wingspan

Omni- interested in 3B's Rannoch

Likes: {Omni} Personified by an exceedingly childish outlook on life, Omni likes the simple things. Sunshine, fresh apples, green grass, bright colors, good weather, company, and being told what to do. He hates being left to fend for himself without any idea of what to do; this is why he exceeds in a herd. {Caedes} On the other hand, his split side is completely different. Caedes' favorite things in life include death, avoiding annoying people, being insubordinate, flirting with beautiful girls, and generally just causing trouble and mischief. Another one of his biggest likes is teasing Omni mercilessly, whether in control or not.

Dislikes: {Omni} Just like his likes, Omni finds pain in simple measures. He does not like rain, cold weather, memories of his dead mother, and sometimes, most of the time, Caedes. He cannot stand being hated or ignored, as he will sulk like a small child in the corner and just be overall depressed. He also hates being embarassed, which pretty much happens every time he talks to a girl. {Caedes} There are many things that Caedes doesn't like, but his biggest thing has to be Omni. The two share a strange relationship, but that does not usually ease his dislike towards the other. He hates being bossed around and will just ignore it; he hates being punished for something he did right. He hates being stared at when its not by beautiful girls, and he especially hates it when somebody corrects him.

Personality: {Omni} Quiet, compassionate, gentle and remorseful, Omni can find faults within no one. He does his best to help others, despite how painful it is to work with females; he is always blushing around them and stumbling. He is exceedingly clumsy and trips a lot but does not usually mind it. His personality attracts many friends to him, which is good because he cannot stand being alone. He works at his best when he's surrounded by those that love him. {Caedes} A distant figure in the herd, not many present even really know him. It is general knowledge, or at least lore within the herd's ranks, that the winged pegasus-like Goennec has split personalities. Caedes is the one that do not know is real or not, as every time he comes in control he leaves the herd. He is a stand-offish, arrogant male most of the time, that finds spoils only in conversing with beautiful females. Oddly enough, he also has a soft spot for elders [not in the creepy way, more like he loves helping them] that Omni does not share in the slightest. If he comes across a wounded elder he always goes out of his way to help them in whatever way he can.

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