RBG's Characters


Stats [height, variations]: 
Height is 1'11" I believe. 
Variations are scaly patches and shorter tail.

Mate/ marital status: None. She'd love to have one, but isn't actively looking due to the fact that she's sure she'd be turned down.

Likes: Music, gray days, children(she would love to have her own), kindness, storms, shooting stars. 

Dislikes: Prejudice, grudges, bugs, total darkness, not knowing.

Personality: Anda is very shy, and is afraid to approach others for fear of their reactions. She is constantly lonely. She tries to muster up enough bravery to just say hello to someone, but she can't. She blames herself for this, and has a fairly low self-image. For anything bad that happens, she either blames herself or no one. 

She loves to daydream and can get lost in her own world. This helps her forget the troubles that plaugue her, which she dwells on far too much for her own good. She doesn't realize that if perhaps she forgot about it, many people would do so also, or at least look over it.

Surprising as it may be, Anda loves storms. Though it seems that a goennec as shy and timid as she would be afraid of storms, they make her feel powerful. This is a feeling that she rarely has, so when if it's raining, storming, and blowing, it is her favorite type of day.


Stats [height, variations]: 
Height 2'5"
no variations.

Mate/ marital status: Looking, but not actively.

Likes: Friends, lakes, night, lakes at night(especially), logic.

Dislikes: Being teased, controversy, confrontation, lies and deceit.

Personality: Seneca tends to be sort of rock for those close to him. He's fairly mellow, and doesn't get overly excited over things. Due to his dislike of controversy and confrontation, he rarely says anything when he sees some small injustice. He'll most likely just shoot them a look, shake his head, and hope they listen to him.

He's also a very private goennec. Partly because he just doesn't like sharing his business with everyone. The way he sees it, it's his problem. No one else needs to know. Another part is that he hates to make goennecs who care about him worry. The last part is he prefers to ignore his problems himself.

His generally happy, and tends to ignore or try to change things that interrupt that.

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