Mystical's Characters


Naturally colored
All Paws

No mate; closed for individual pairing/open for harem. Pairs with Talahasi.

Darkness. Being alone. Water. Friends and family. Moderateness. Peace. Strangely enough, she also loves a good scuffle now and then, as long as she emerges as the victor.

Her biggest dislikes are death and losing. In fact, it can even be said that she fears death; not upon herself, of course, but on others, for she knows that if another Goennec dies then their death will be left as a permanent mark on her dark pelt. She also hates it when there's an excess of anything, even peace, for it makes her apprehensive, knowing it will soon be broken. Althea also dislikes it when people judges her based on her appearance; after all, never judge a book by it's cover.

Predictable. It's always easy to see how Alithea will react in a certain situation... usually. She's like an open book, with all her emotions and thoughts printed in neon letters across her face. Short-tempered, protective and fiercely independent, the doe hates being caged in, both physically and mentally, and will lash out and defend herself with the slightest hint of provocation. Even though her body might say otherwise, she insists that she needs no one protecting her in order to survive in this world, that she can take care of herself regardless of the situation. Soft spots and weaknesses are always carefully hidden... well, she tries to, anyway. It's sort of hard for her to hide anything, after all. Rash? As if. Every plan of her's must be carefully thought out, with every single little detail considered, every scenario planned out before she'll allow herself to go ahead with it. That's the basic general outline of her.

She hates it when anything's in pain, including prey, and she hates the scent of blood. Alithea's also afraid of being plagued by the 'white', and will defend any of her herdmates that are in danger with her life, even if she doesn't like them. A soft spot exists within her for baby animals of all types, and even baby plants, but of course she'll never admit that. Despite what many might think, she cares about what others think of her, perhapes to an unhealthy extent, but, again, she would never admit it to anyone, not even to those that have known her since her birth. Those who are close to her have learned to keep all their negative observations of her to themselves, since her rebellious personality might force her to change that aspect just to prove them wrong, just to prove that she has no flaws whatsoever. However, despite all this, she is not a sensitive individule and will take their jabs with ease. 'Waa, I'm so useless and heartless and crappy' never crosses her mind; instead, it's always 'I will do better'.

Unsurprisingly, she blames herself for all the deaths that had occured in her old herd, and if anything happens in the new herd she's currently staying in Alithea will probably blame it on herself, too. Sure, there's a chance that the white that appeared upon her body was because of those deaths, that she wasn't the cause of those deaths, but Alithea leans towards the pessimistic side of things..

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