Arctic's Characters


Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally colored
No abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 
No mate; not looking

Patience loves the seasons of winter, spring, and fall. In her spare time she enjoys watching nature and running. Her favorite food is roots and she likes being with her friends and family.
Patience dislikes the hot and humid weather in the summer. She does not care for goennecs that show off and act like they’re the best or strangers.
Patience is a goennec that mostly keeps to herself. She doesn’t express her feelings and always thinks her problems out. Patience is pretty smart and loves to run and is able to defend herself if challenged to a fight. She can protect herself because she is stealthy and agile which makes it easy for her to dodge when another goennec attacks. She does not much like being around strangers but is kind to everyone she knows. She loves sitting under her favorite tree in the herd’s territory while watching the sparkling lake, and the oak and maple trees.

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