Official Goey RP Characters Site



no abnormalities

No Mate.


Music; The one positive thing about his mother was her voice. Before his father's death, she would always be singing. The sound of music reminds him of a time when everything was set right.

Kin; He always knew she would be there for him, and would care for him.


Screaming; Whenever he hears a scream, even if it is only a child screaming happily while playing, his whole body tenses. They remind him of his mother's fits, when she would go livid with anger and attack him; screaming her poisonous words at him.

Traveling; Growing up, he always wanted to settle down in one place and just stay there. He never got the chance, and his life always seemed to get uprooted just as he was acclimating himself to a new home.


Soon after his birth he realized he would never quite be accepted. His mother had always told him he looked so similar to his father; and she couldn't stand to be around him because of it. She would leave him alone for days on occasions, and even when she was there, she was always vacant to him. Since his father's death - a tragic accident - he and his mother had hardly ever stayed with a herd for long. He quickly became distrustful, and struggled to fit into the social life of a herd. Because of his mother's actions, he thought of all as self-centered, untrustworthy beings. Including himself. Ahka began to battle with himself, caught between his mind full of downgrading thoughts, and his actions - trying to be more than he could be.

Upon meeting Kin, he slowly began to trust again. But not everyone. Yet as his life began to get better after meeting Kin, in many ways it got worse. His mother began to attack him, mostly with verbal barbs. However, as he neared a year and a half, his mother had resorted to physical abuse. While some part of him knew that it wasn't his fault, another, more prominent side of his mind pushed him to the thought that he was to blame for everything.

And so, he left that life behind. He became reckless, wandering and picking fights. Once he slowed down a bit, he began to study the characteristics of others, trying to see behind the masks they wore to hid their true "selves"; to be cliche.

And yet, after he became re-united with Kin, and started a life with her; he still has trust issues. She found him and nurtured him back to health, stayed with him through his nightmares as well as sleepless nights. He remained wary of others, but reached a point where he would allow her to be with him. Although several years passed before they officially became mates, she was there, and he leaned on her for support. 


Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 

• The nighttime sky - Anmera adores simply laying and staring up into the night sky. The different phases of the moon intrigue her; how can one thing have so many different forms? And the stars, when they shoot from the sky, where do they go? Are they the sparkles in the dew in the morning? The night sky is so fluid to her, it always seems in motion, and yet it is predictable and constant.

• Sayle - She adores her kid sister. They share a strong bond, a mix between sisters and mother and child. She would give her life a thousand times over for Sayle, and everything she does revolves around protecting and raising her.

• Running - Running is what Anmera does in order to forget her fears and stresses. She feels the wind whipping through her mane, the grass thrumming between her toes. It steals her breath away and gives her the exhilaration she strives for.

• Sleeping - Anmera hates having to pause and sleep, to wait and rest. She loathes having to close her eyes and sleep rather than watching the sky and watching over Sayle. Because when she sleeps, she dreams. And when she dreams, she dreams of her mother, and it is a sharp pang in her chest even now.

• Staying still - Even if it is necessary for Anmera to be sitting still, she will find some way to be moving. Twitching her tail, constantly tapping her paw against the ground, even tossing her mane just to calm herself and let out her energy.

Fireflies twinkled on the edge of the woods that night. Anmera could feel her kid sister’s warm breath against her back, where the young child had laid her head as the sun went down. It was past midnight now, and Anmera daren’t move so as not to wake little Sayle. She was a year or so older than her sister, but they shared a bond that was different than most siblings. While they were not twins, born at the same siv, they shared the same mother and father. Strong blood ran through their veins. Anmera smiled as she looked over at her mother. The delicate doe slept nearby, all three of them underneath the cover of the night sky. Her mother’s eyes were closed, but the dark hollows they were sunk into were still clearly visible. At a closer glance, it was obvious that the doe’s delicate features were note simply her fine-boned structure, but also her starved, sickly state. But this was normal. She had never quite gotten better, even after all this time. Sleepily, Anmera suppressed a yawn and struggled to keep her eyelids open, watching the fireflies dance, watching her mother and sister sleeping peacefully.

Her eyelids drooped, and when she blinked them open, it was morning.

Sayle was standing under the morning sun, staring off into the woods where their mother had disappeared into all those months ago. How often it seemed only yesterday when they were all happy together, watching the fireflies.

She hadn’t watched the fireflies dance since that night.

Anmera was always watchful. Her mother grew very frail after giving birth to little Sayle, and never quite recovered. Nearly a year after Sayle’s birth, she quietly said her goodbyes and came to terms with death on her own ground, in her own way. From then on, it was Anmera’s job to protect Sayle, to care for her until she was at an age to care for herself properly. Anmera was only two years old at the time, reaching the time when she would begin to look for a harem. Due to her need to take care of little Sayle, she stood by during the siv, waiting until she could participate without worry for her kid sister.

So she waited, and she watched her sister grow. She guided her, but kept her close. In hindsight, Anmera might admit that she may have watched Sayle a little too closely, kept her too protected. Her sister had never enjoyed a childhood of romping around with the other kids. She sat by herself, watching. Always just watching. Anmera could have sworn those eyes were deep, endless pits of emotion. She watched everything with the same quiet, observing nature that she had when she had watched their mother walk away.
And so Anmera was there to comfort her on cold nights, on days when nothing went right. She showed her how to pick the best grazing spots, and what areas of the territory to avoid. To not talk to strangers, even if they were a part of their own herd. You could never trust anyone anymore.

Anmera began her morning like usual, trotting down to the little bend in the stream where she and Sayle spent most of their time. It was the deepest in the middle of the bend, and Anmera would spend all morning swimming around in the cold depths, feeling the soft riverweed wrap around her legs when she dove under. After swimming, she would lay out on a rock which rose above the water on the opposite bank. The rock’s edge had a five foot drop down to the water, and she would lay and dry for a moment, watching Sayle stare at the tadpoles and minnows, the occasional spotted fish. Once she was certain that Sayle was safe and secure, she would begin to run. Leaping down from the rock, her hooves clicking against the hard stone as she leapt, she would run. Just to run. The air would dry her dripping pelt, and she knew that nothing could catch her. Not so long as she ran. Running away from her worries, running from the part of her that told her that she was still just a kid, and would fail to save her sister.

And yet, she would always return to the little bend in the brook where Sayle would wait, drawing with her little hooves in the soft sand along the beach. When she was younger, they would sit with their mother on the bank and look at the pretty, smooth stones which were sun-dried and shining.

You shine too, my little river stones.

Their mother had cooed to them as they were droopy-eyed in the sun. Never stop shining…

Only now, the stones had all been kicked into the middle of the brook in anger. Sometimes by Anmera, sometimes by Sayle. On certain days, Anmera would dive down and gather one or two up, and set them on her rock. Just to stare at them. They still shined, just like they had for their mother. But when she was done staring, she kicked them back into the darkness of the brook, underneath the water where only the fish could see them shine. Because she never wanted to see them shine really anyways. She just wanted to see them to hear her mother’s voice again. 


Age : 2

Height : 2'3"

Markings: Natural

Abnormalities : -

No mate












Shy -

As long as he could remember, Coo had enjoyed watching from a distance. He had stayed near his mother as a young kid, watching the world with his head poking out from between her front legs. Once he was a little older, he stayed near his mother, only leaving her side when she joined in grazing with more of the herd members. In times like these, he wandered off to his tree and sat in the cool grass entwined with roots, not running off to play and cause mischief like the other kids.

At first, Coo's mother had not been concerned. Surely it was just a phase, and soon he would be right there with the rest of them, tromping about like the child he was. But as he got older, he didn't associate with them more. In fact, he became even more solitary. Refusing to even say hello to a stranger, spending his days lost in his own mind.

Gentle -

When Coo was only a few weeks old, he discovered a pair of wrens building a nest in his favorite tree. He watched them as they flitted back and forth, gathering each precious blade of grass, straw, and the occasional colorful string. Then, just like that, one of the pair would stay behind and sit on the nest. He couldn't understand why at the time, it was only when he later heard the hungry cries of the chicks that he understood. And then one morning, as he sat watching the nest, a small creature fell out of the nest. It was covered with wrinkly skin and a mixture of soft fluff and spiky tufts of feathers. It cried, screaming out for it's parents. They didn't come. And so he licked it clean, pulled up the softest, most tender shoots of grass to try to coax the little thing to eat. When he slept, it curled up under his chin the soft fuzz warm against his fur. And then when he woke in the morning, its body was cold. He tried to wake it up, but it wouldn't stir, it wouldn't open its eyes.

When it died, he cried for days.

Clumsy -

Coo had never been coordinated. Nearly every time he walked he would trip over his own paw or hoof. Once his horns grew in, he had even more difficulty. They were itchy, and more than once, he had managed to get his hoof stuck in the curve of one of his horns; unsuccessfully scratching. When first learning to walk, it had been each foot going in it's own direction, and none of them going the right way. Of course, most kids are like that when they learn to walk. Coo just managed to keep the skill for a little while longer.

Eventually, his clumsiness got better, but whenever he was embarrassed or especially shy, his legs forgot how to work and he ended up sitting with an -oomph- and a cloud of dust, his forelock all mussed on his forehead.

Quiet -

Shy as he was, there were never many opportunities to socialize and talk with other herd members. Even so, he never hummed, sang, or even talked to himself. Every once in a while he might make a small remark, but otherwise he kept his mouth shut. Because of this, he developed a sense of reading others based on the outward physical details. He could tell that legs straight and together meant a distancing from something, while a twitching muscle in a neck might hint towards unshown anger.

Curious -

Coo was determined to discover how things were, why they did what they did, what made them 'tick'. He would watch the birds stamp the ground and cock their heads. He learned that they were disturbing the worms and listening for them. He watched the clouds, and he knew that the darker they got, the more likely the rain would come. The air would get a metallic taste whenever it would lightning. Bugs hid under the bark of trees. Some spiders were the color of sunshine and hid inside flowers. Rabbits knew when something was coming, and usually froze. You wouldn't see them unless you knew they were there. 


Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 

Difficulty - Elodie thrives on pain, on the physical exertion that her lifestyle requires. She can't stand to be idle, she must be doing something at all times. The harder a task, the more driven Elodie is to do it. Her entire routine is painful and tiring, but she knows it will reap it's own rewards.

Her Ribbon - A gift from her mother, before she died, El's ribbon in the only thing in her life she cherishes. She swears that when she breathes in the scent, she can still smell her mother in the folds, that the wind still carries her mother's voice.

Fighting - Fighting has a sort of high that comes with it for Elodie. She seeks out a fight when often she could merely talk her way out of a situation. She thinks in strategies, in balancing an opponent's skill with her own backlash.


Paws - El hates her paws, as she sees them as a weak and vulnerable part of her protective shell. Hooves provide a more satisfactory grip when climbing steep objects, and when used correctly can tear into an opponent's skin during a fight.

Does - Does are weak. Does are foolish. Other than her mother, Elodie has never met a single doe she could stand to be around. In her eyes, does consider nothing more than childbearing and gossip, not true traits and flaws.


When her mother died, Elodie took on the voice of her mother in her head, telling her what to do and why she wasn't perfect yet. She has that constant voice in her head, urging her onwards. It's as if when her mother died, El just couldn't bear the loss, so she took on the embodiment of her mother into her own head to keep her alive. She is extremely self-centered, and often comes across as an arse to most. She is pretentious, thinking only of her own personal gain. Her mother's voice is her conscience an her guide, it's what pushes her onward. Honestly, without it, without the feeling of letting down her mother - she would be a much different doe.But as she is, she strives for perfection. She hardly ever talks, the most talking she does is to the voice inside her head.

Although she is a part of a herd, she is alone most of the time inside of the herd. She does appreciate the protection a herd offers, but she cannot stand them as a whole. She mouths off to anyone who would dare to talk to her, and yet she doesn't understand why they all stare.

The half of her being that is not her mother's mind inside her head is really quite innocent, all she really wants to do is please. However, the half driven mad by her mother's voice is insane for attention and disgust at everything.

She is quiet and stays to herself, most of the time only socializing during the siv. This 'socializing' is usually her pushing away over-eager males.

She has reached the brink of madness, and she doesn't know which way to turn. She loves her mother so much that it clouds her judgement, it controls everything she does. All she wants is to be the perfect child. 


Naturally Colored
No Mane

Mate/ marital status: 

Chosen rank: 


Wind – There’s not a whole lot that Keete likes or even tolerates, but the wind is one of the few things that will make him smile. Whenever a soft breeze flutters by and ruffles the fur on the back of his neck, he can almost imagine he can hear it as it passes.

Change – Keete spends a majority of his time observing the herd and how they interact with each other. It always amazes him how such a small thing can change such a large group. A simple wind carrying the scent of rain brings the herd together with heads down. A single robin heralds the warmer weathers. The amount of bees in the clover changes with the time of day. Mothers can reprimand their children with only a glance, no words need to be spoken. All of these interactions amaze him, and he spends his time watching and learning more of them.

Fighting – As a youngster, Keete was enthralled by fighting. He loved the energy he got when a fight was happening; the way the dirt was churned up afterwards. He began playfighting young, as most kid rams do. However, when a fight went wrong and left his ears permanently damaged, he grew a bitter hatred for the ‘sport’. He could no longer understand why others were so willing to damage themselves just for a little bit of show. For a while, right after he lost his hearing, he tried to tell the other rams to be careful; tried to tell them it was not worth it.

No one listened.

Now, whenever there’s a fight, his lip curls and he is overwhelmed with disgust. These promising young rams are willing to throw away their health just for a bit of entertainment? Ridiculous.

Quiet – As one might be able to guess, he can’t stand the quiet. Which is a bit problematic, seeing as there’s no escape from it.

Keete usually spends his time sitting and thinking, remembering how he used to live. Since he became deaf at age two, the sudden change came a bit more harshly than it would have at a younger age. He can be a bit moody at times, and will snap out if someone sneaks up on him. He hates being an outcast, and wishes more than anything that someone would stop pitying him long enough to talk to him. All he wants is a decent conversation. Since he is deaf, he can’t partake in many of the herd’s normal activities as well as the others. Fighting is completely out of the question, not only because he cannot hear his opponent but also due to the fact that he has a major fear of fighting after his injury. Running with the herd is out of the question, because he can’t tell the footing and direction as well. If he were to try, he could probably manage to be a low-level soldier, but he sticks to the fact that he would rather be alone than in the company of those who don’t want him there. He has no confidence in himself, even though he knows he should.

He’s tormented when he sleeps. In his dreams, he can hear, but usually the dreams end badly, and he wakes suddenly and doesn’t know where he is. When he first lost his hearing, the herdmembers were sympathetic but welcoming. He hardened to their sympathy and turned his back, ashamed of himself. It tortures him to watch the kids he grew up with living their lives without him, but at the same time, it’s comforting to know that they got what they wanted.

He underestimates himself all of the time. In reality, he has adjusted well. He can read mouths, so that he understands when others talk and he can see them. He notices more now, the body language and weather and changes in the herd. He doesn’t take anything for granted. Not anymore. 



no abnormalities

No Mate.


Rain; Heights; Running; Ahka


Superiority; Rude behavior; Snow


Kin is fairly laid back, with an easy temperament. She does, however, become very worked up if anyone is mistreating another, and will not hesitate to jump in and help. She loves to help with the kids, and is very good with most other goennecs. On occasion, she has a sharp tongue, and her wit is very prominent. She is sure to consider all options and think out a situation before jumping in.


Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 



Sayle is a quiet doe, who prefers to keep to herself. She likes to spend her time near some source of water, watching the waterbugs skitter across the surface. 
She can come across as distant, or even cold, because if she does not want to talk to you, she won't. 
Sayle is fond of kids, because she admires their natural curiosity which they seem to loose once they hit adulthood. However, they are also loud and disruptive, which is a quality she is not fond of at all. 
She is always questioning how something works, what could be changed, or why something happens. Her mind is never still.
She is:

-Calm : She is always looking at things with a level mind, and has never really become irrational over something. She keeps her head, and calmly assesses a situation.

-Creative : She can usually be seen planning a new idea or drawing in the dirt. She loves to use different plants - roots and flowers as well as leaves - to make colorful designs. She is intrigued by color, and enjoys mixing them together. She loves when the colors create a new, vibrant color, not just a muddy brown.

-Loyal : Although she does not have many close friends, she is incredibly loyal to those she does have. They are like her family, and she would give her own life for any of them.

-Determined : She doesn't often give up. When she 'paints', she may get frustrated, but she will sit and mix, work with the colors until they cooperate.

-Strategist : Some of her ideas involve simple logic - staying underneath a shelter protects from harsh sunlight and rain. However, other ideas of hers can be as complex as digging a ditch away from a stream to carry water to her favorite patch of 'painting' flowers. Well-watered flowers provide the best colors. 

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