October's characters


Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 
No Mate

To live Ali’s life would to play the role of the black queen in a chess game, defending the black king after all of the other black pieces have been captured; while the white side remains completely intact. 


Tiger Eye: Ali lives for her small companion, and would die for him as well. They share no romantic bonds, but rather an incredibly deep friendship that can be broken by no one and nothing. She saved him from certain death, and he saved her from a life of lonliness. 

Control: This female loves to be the leader. She thrives when she has control over her life and different situations, and is happiest when things are going the way she wants them to.

Freedom: Ali cannot be tied to a herd due to her undeveloped instinct and longing for freedom. She hates to stay in one place for long periods of time, and is unable to stand being told what to do and when to do it. 

The Desert: Though traveling is her passion, the desert shall always remain her home. It is where she was born, and where she is most comfortable. Everything about her; her voice, her strange gait, her fighting style, and her hard personality are made to fit it.

Heat: Being a desert creature, Ali loves hot temperatures and sunshine, and is never able to feel safe or relaxed in cloudy or cold places.

Fighting/Victory/Proving Herself: Besides Tiger, there is nothing that Ali loves more than the feeling of showing others exactly who she is and where she stands in life and the world.

Running: Before she threw her lot in with Tiger's, Ali would spend whole days doing nothing but running, toning her body and mind to withstand hard physical conditions and the pain of fatigue. As a result, Ali is quite the physical specimen, and enjoys being able to put her quick hooves and lith body to use. 


Snow/Rain/Cold: Ali is extremely susceptible to cool temperatures, and even the slightest of breezes causes her to become unnerved and agitated. Though rain is something that she relies on to survive in the desert, she absolutely hates getting wet, and will go to great lengths to avoid precipitaion. 

Kids: in Ali's eyes, kids are trophies of faliure and a mark of those who have succumbed to their desires. The idea of someday having kids is one that Ali is quite terrified of, and can be easily set off by those who include it in conversation or ask if Tiger is her own. 

Green/Foliage: To much plant life, the scents that come with it, and the color green are all things are able to turn Ali into an emotional wreck through their general tendency to overwhelm her senses. Though she is usually able to supress and block out these things, there are times when she is not at all able to withstand them. 

Relationships: To put it bluntly, relationships scare Ali. She likes the warmth and closeness that come with cuddling up next to a companion during a cold night, but has a strong fear that even something as pure as a friendship or simple attraction could lead to the unthinkable- kids. She, therefore, can be extremely awkward and uncomfortable in situations that involve physical displays of friendship and affection even if she truly does enjoy the attention.

Other Goennecs: Ali has issues with trust and getting along with others, which has led to her general dislike of other Goennecs, both does and rams. This isn't to say that she hates everyone, but rather that others may have a difficult time pushing past her outer shell of stoicism.


Tempestuous: Ali's eyes are what give this part of her away. The stormy; extremely intense darkness that is almost always apparent in them is only a fraction of the strong, turbulent emotions that she is so susceptible to. When Ali feels emotions; she feels them very strongly; making her a creature to be very against “happy mediums.”

Controlled: Strong-willed. Stubborn. Many names like these can be thought up; but in the end, they all mean the same thing. They mean Ali. Her extreme control over her mind is part of what sets her so far apart from thither does. Through her mental control Ali is able to permanently lock away useless emotions like lust, longing, and affection; things that would eventually lead to kids.

Unaffectionate: While an amazing fighter; Ali is terrible at displaying softer emotions such as affection and love. This leads her to be very ungentle with Tiger Eye; even though through her rough shoves and sharp flicks of her tail she means to show that she cares. Thankfully; Tiger Eye understands this. 

Undiplomatic: To Ali; the words “discussion” and “peace” rank right up there with “love,” “friendship,” and “doe.” All are completely useless to her. Her sharp tongue and lack of patience cause Tiger Eye to usually end up forcing her to stay quiet to that he can speak to others. To quote her words; “It’s not a proper meeting if there isn’t any physical conflict.”

Foreign: To Goennecs of a normal herd; Ali is very much a foreign creature. And everything about normal Goennecs is foreign to her as well. She is a desert creature through and through. Her voice, always low and dangerous, is extremely accented; and even her smell speaks of far away places of sun and sand and dryness. 

Intelligent: Ali is an extremely quick and efficient thinker; as most creatures put in her place would have to be. Tiger Eye’s intelligence level is higher than her own; but she is ale to make up for it through her speedy thought process while her companion might take hours mulling a single thought over. 

Independent: It is Ali’s independence that has sculpted her and changed her from what she might have been to what she is. Though life with Tiger Eye in the desert is extremely difficult; Ali prevails through it; refusing to give up her freedoms for protection in a herd. 

A Fighter: Whether it be a mental or physical battle; Ali does not give up. Even when things look grimm; she refuses to be accept defeat untill she is no longer able to get up from wherever she may have been struck down to. This causes much pain for her, yes, but to her, defeat carries an even greater price. With defeat comes death. 

Prejudiced: Rams are egotistical. Does are pathetic. Kids are trophies of said patheticness. To Ali; judging others is as simple as that.

Disrespectful: "A prime, you say? I believe that you meant an egotistical, bull-headed, power-hungry, lusting, dumb ram; my dear Tiger." As obvious; Ali does not hold very high opinions of primes. After defeating a prince during her second siv; Ali lost any and all respect she once had for those that have high ranks. This is the main reason that Tiger Eye can usually be found doing the talking when the pair encounters other Goennecs.

Unfeminine: Ali has the maternal and femine drive of a pine cone. She lacks instinct when it comes to kids, and is extremely awkward around them. In general, she relates more to rams because of her masculine nature, and is unable to stand being around ewes for long periods of time. 

Emotional: Love, hate, saddness; all are emotions that Ali feels very strongly. Her problem is simply that she is unable to express them, and there tends to bottle up her feelings, appearing as somewhat dispassionate to others. 




- curled horns
- short ears
- unusual tail [appears normal in RP]

-enlarged oral features
-smaller, but still proportional

Mate/ marital status: 

Chosen rank: 

- staying close to others
- being shown affection
- flowers
- investigating scents
- warmth
- safety
- order

- disorder
- being left alone
- feeling threatened
- uncertainties
- being unable to get others to understand her


Claire is an intelligent, perceptive, resourceful young doe. She just goes about reaching her conclusions in a different manner than most. She has a bright, warm spirit; and a love for others that is unhindered by her disabilities. As a result of being both blind and deaf; Claire is unable to speak 'words' like most others, but rather murmurs and hums and uses her body language to the best of her ability to get a point across.
She is like a second shadow to whomever happens to be caring for her, and is greatly appreciative of the nessecities that are always so generously given to her, even though she can not do much in return. She is able to understand the fact that most others have certain abilities that she does not, but feels nothing but curiosity towards such things. 

Highly inquisitive, gentle, and good-natured; Claire's strengths of personality more than make up for her physical weaknesses. 




Naturally Colored

No Abnormalties

No mate; but hopes to have one, either male or female.




Being accepted

Being loved

Proving himself

Being part of a 'family'

Close bonds

Finding hope






Being questioned and/or teased

His body

Ali's general attitude


Being submissive

Assumptions made about him

His inability to get himself a mate/harem/kids

Harsh realities



Overall, Neurosis is a bright and hopeful creature, a young ram who is eager to learn and make himself a place in the world. He struggles at times with coexisting with Ali, as the two have very different outlooks on life, but gets along very well with Tiger, and tries to be a father figure as well as a close friend to the younger ram. He understands the truth about himself/his gender thanks to Ali, but chooses to ignore the facts and just be himself. Neu believes in hope and a new tomorrow, and likes to daydream about what could be. He is very affectionate and gentle, and likes to try to see the best in everyone. Though he belongs in a large herd, and sometimes wishes that he could be back where he used to be; he knows that that is not possible, and that the chances of anyone other than his two companions accepting him for who he is are miniscule. Kind, dominate, and brave; Neurosis is a noble young ram who likes justice and chivalry; though Ali is persistent is trying to wring the latter out him. To Neu, Ali and Tiger are family, and he hopes to never be separated from them. 

Tiger Eye



Naturally Colored

Affected; misshapen ears, stumpy or lack of horns, enlarged oral features, hoof and paw deformities, lack of tail, lack of mane consistency, blindness, inability to run, smaller, but still proportional


No mate; asexual.






Being with others

Peace and quiet

Feeling happy





Many of Ali's personality traits

Others thinking that he is still a kid

Others believing that he is mentally challenged






Tiger is intelligent and insightful, and possess a maturity and diplomatic nature that Ali does not. He enjoys being around others, and struggles a bit with his current situation. While he loves Ali and Neu, he would be much happier in a larger herd. Tiger doesn't feel the need to prove his intelligence and capabilities to others, and will generally just ignore those that make incorrect assumptions about him. He is an excellent communicator, and usually ends up being the one from their trio to speak when they come across others. He doesn't exactly approve of Ali's attitude towards Neurosis and life in general, but he tolerates her behavior and tries to step in when he can. Though he is Affected, Tiger is appreciative for what he has, and does his best with the strengths that he possess. Generally optimistic and peaceful, he is the perfect counterpart to Ali's fiery, negative spirit; and is a wonderful companion to Neurosis. 

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