Mokapi's Characters

"Fleur" for short. 

Stats [height, variations]: 
naturally colored. 

Mate/ marital status: No mate, possibly looking. 

Likes: Fleur finds the world to be full of both sadness and beauty- except for kids. They are wonderful gifts, something to be treasured and protected above anything else, and to be provided for in all the ways her own mother could not for her. She vowed early on to be a good mother to her son or daughter, and it's doubtful that anything would come in the way of her keeping that vow.

Dislikes: Affected goennecs remind her far too much of her older sibling, who Fleur is convinced is the reason that her mother is now dead. Though she is not outwardly rude to them, she judges them harshly and puts a great deal of time and effort into avoiding them. In a similar way, she also avoids geonnecs that seem less-than-sane. 

Personality: While sweet, Blanchefleur is quietly standoffish and generally prone to shutting down when others try to initiate conversations. Pity has found her from a young age because of the neglect that was shown to her by her mother, but she does not wallow in it- in fact, it seems she detests it. She is certainly not the strongest of Goennecs- whether physically, emotionally, or mentally- and her mother's absence and then fatal disappearance has left her with a hole in her heart that threatens to worm its way through the rest of her body. More often than not she is at least mildly depressed, if not caught up in complete despair, and her attitude is typically pessimistic. She blends easily into the herd, and prefers to be invisible to all but the few who took the time earlier in her life to understand what troubles her. 

There is really nothing special or notable about her, to be honest. She is meek, and she has a good heart, but beyond that there is little else to compliment. Fleur isn't stupid, but her intelligence most likely stops at "average". She has a soft beauty, but would likely never garner any true attention during the Siv. Still, she is good at loving, and at listening, and her wide eyes seem to be made of of a mix of sadness and empathy. Beneath all of this hurt, however, lies the will to succeed as best she can with the cards she has been dealt, even if her hand is not a winning one. 

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