Official Goey RP Characters Site


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Caer is extremely clumsy. She is forever tripping up over herself or random small objects like rocks or even small stumps of grass. Many Goennec's may see being clumsy as a bad thing, but Caer doesn't see it that way.Caer is always very positive and always looks on the bright side of her life. She always sees the glass half full and loves to make people around her happy. Caer is always willing to cheer someone up, all she does is pick out all the positive things for them. Caer is very empathetic but still sees there to be no reason to be sad in life.Caer is very playful and therefore obviously loves to play. She is always up for a game or two and is always in the mood for high speeds and competitive things to do. She love to always be moving in some way and can barely keep still, she is very fidgety. Caer never sits still, always wanting to be up and about and doing something.Like her name suggests, she is a very rough and tumble kind of creature. She loves to playfight and loves getting dirty. She will happily get all scruffy and muddy if it means having fun. Caer doesn't mind about how scruffy she gets, or how much her mane and fur stick out in all directions, it just doesn't matter. 

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