Soccer's Characters


Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities

Likes: Knowing what's going on. Winter, or cold places. The sound of water, or rain.

Dislikes: Liars. Getting flustered.

Personality: Alaska can be very stubborn, at times. She hides her true personality under a cold mask, that can only be melted by time and caring. It's hard for people to become her friend, though underneath the face of indifference is one of compassion. She tends to like sarcasm.

Once you become her friend, though, Alaska can become fun to be around.


 1'2" {When at young age} 

naturally colored 

no variations

No mate

-The smell after rain
-Shiny or bright things {From where he gets his namesake}
-Musical sounds

-Being lied to
-A sense of overconfidence
-Anyone who tries to harm his friends
-The smell of blood

Personality: Though small, Roshan wouldn't back out of a fight unless he knew it would do no good to fight. Being raised by a vicious herd-leader after his father's death, he watched countless numbers of unnecessary deaths. He is very strong-willed and passionate, but hates letting others down. Roshan would do anything for someone he loved, and is very trustworthy. He is sometimes overconfident, but has worked hard to be as humble as he has been in the past.

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