Official Goey RP Characters Site


No mate; Single

• Rivers
• Newborns/Kids
• Using her 'special' saying
• Companionship
• Spring

• The Siv
• Winter
• Not Knowing Something

• Spilling Bodily Fluids 


    Wise - Ayako is more thoughtful, more "deep" than other Goeys - she prefers to mull and chew things over, picking everything apart slowly and thoroughly until she finds an answer or an appropriate course of action. She often falls silent in conversations abruptly (mind you, she's almost always silent until the end) gazing off into a completely parallel world where she connects to. Her eyes have a glassy look when she's cast away into the deep realms of her own mind, so it's often useless trying to snap her out of her trance unless it's her time to come home.

    Silent - Silence is one of the main traits Ayako possesses. It's her preferred state of mind and conversation, just a time to simply enjoy any Goey's company. When she speaks, it's with a slight Japanese accent and in soft words which have been carefully placed into position. She often lays still, looking away over the distance as someone talks to her. It's not because she's not listening (which is a common misconception), it's because she's mulling over their words and chewing them before swallowing and giving them her thoughts. In conversations, Aya only speaks if she sees a good reason to, otherwise she keeps silent and stares off into the distance, a thin film of glass over her eyes, preferring to let others speak before her so she can gather insight from everygoennec's side and build off that if she's required to.

    Strongly believes in talking, not spilling bodily fluids - Having the moral "don't fight, but talk" ingrained deep in her mind ever since early years, Ayako utterly refuses to partake or even observe a battle. She finds the spill of any bodily fluid, for example blood, or wound physically and mentally repulsing. Logic is the key to every argument is what she believes in, as well as a bit of emotion mixed in. There's no point in fighting fire with fire, so why fight negativity with negativity? They both just encourage the other to do better until one wins out. And when one does win... disasterous cosquences are in store for the loser. Why bother causing so much pain? So much distress?

    Mysterious (of her past) - Some may say it's utterly cliché, but Ayako prefers to keep her past to herself. She was born and raised in a safe, happy and secure herd like almost any other Goennec. Her father and mother were respectable and treated her well. Somegoeys say that she's so silent about her early life because of a rumour when a unidentifed predator (it depends on who you hear this rumor from, it varies from a small wolf/coyote to a snake) sneaked up on her while her mother had kicked her away from nursing and was sulking, and had dug their fangs up to their gums in her hide (nobody knows where) and her thick fur covers the scars -- no one knows how she survived. And others say she simply just doesn't like putting herself and her past into the open, opening up to somebody, putting herself before them. Who knows? She's a mystery.


2'2" (or 0.6604m)
No mate.

• All Fruits, especially Pears - Oscar loves this rare treat, and savours every bite he gets, nibbling the fruit so it'll last longer. It's such a great, sweet change from the bland grass for him -- their great variety of flavours always make his mouth water whenever he finds a fruit, especially pears. Their sweet, dull flavour that's soft on the tongue and their soft, ripe flesh that's easy to dig his teeth into without much difficulty. That is what makes them rise above other fruits in his eyes. Fruit, especially pears, as Oscar calls them, are "little pieces of the Heavens".
• Squirrels - He finds them pretty amusing.. And cute. How they look at him when he steps on a old leaf that's fallen like he's a massive monster and then flee in the next millisecond or so with their bushy tails up in the air. Oscar loves to chase them, purely for the fun of it. If he eventually corners one, he sniffs it curiously, then lets it go. It's a game he and the local squirrels play.. Oddly enough.
• Autumn - That period of time when trees turn into all of the shades of red and orange. And then the leaves fall, it's nothing but fun playing in them, the way they crunch under paw and hoof. The weather doesn't reflect the hot colour of the leaves (luckily), and it isn't temperamental like summer and winter, it's.. A odd sort of balance, really, and Oscar loves it.
• Cheesy Jokes & Humour In General - He loves the way a joke that's so cheesy it's funny light up another Goey's eyes, or how a bit of well-placed and good humour softens up even the most serious rams and does, or how it relaxes somegoey who has had a stressful time and just needs to relax. It's not just about how it makes othergoeys happy, and it gives him a warm feeling that radiates off him, rolling off in waves, giving him a blissful and happy aura. There's nothing he loves more than making goeys happy. Nothing.

• The Siv - He always feels intimidated during the Siv because he's often the last ram left out of the Soldiers, and even then, he'll often be passed over since most females would be taken. Oscar feels like most of the does think of him as 'just a friend', and in most cases, this is true. He won't admit it, but being last choice and the 'friend' cuts down deep, specially since he wants kids -- his own kids. And he doesn't have any. Oscar feels a immense feeling of satisfaction when he plays with other kids, but he longs to know the pleasure of playing with his very own offspring.
• Winter - Since he prefers a balance of hot and cold, just mildly warm, he dislikes any extreme in either direction. But he loathes winter. The snow that clings to his coat, which melts eventually and slides off, leaving trails of cold skin behind it. He just.. Doesn't like the cold. He'd rather deal with two summers than one summer and one winter.
• Grief/Sadness/Etc - Oscar despises negative emotions. Because Oscar thrives on happiness, negative emotions are the bane of his existence. He feels like his own personal burden is being made heavier and heavier every time he sees a Goey upset, since he feels like others' emotions is his own responsibility -- another reason why he tries so hard to be happy.

If he were to be summed up in one sentence, one would say he is the most blissfully ignorant, loyal, happy, accepting, and easygoing ram that has ever stepped foot on the Earth's soil. Oscar is a looker, having a well-built body despite his age and height, with a dark bluey ebony markings dominating most of his coat with bright yellow streaks covering his face, neck, shoulders, and chest. When he speaks, he speaks with a rough, slightly deep, husky Australian accent, occasionally making fun of himself or his accent so others can laugh.

Oscar basically radiates happiness and humour -- he often jokes about his coat, saying he's that bright comet or star in the dark times. And indeed, he is. Younger goeys who find life sometimes too stressful crawl up to his side to get a father-like nudge and a cheesy joke that will make them laugh despite their problems. Oscar is a fatherly figure in many kid's lives, as well as offering them a comforting joke and nudge, he plays with them. When confronted about acting and playing as childishly as a young kid with the actual kids, he chuckles and says it's how he stays young -- loosen up, mate. 

Someone could say that as well as being humourous and fatherly, Oscar is also blissfully ignorant and mysterious/secretive. He often doesn't pick up on scandals, dramas, etc since he is often enclosed in his own little mysterious, but happy bubble. And if he does notice, he is always giving Goeys the benefit of the doubt, and believes in the best of each and every one -- he doesn't listen to the gossip system in the herd and ignores scandals and dramas that cause pain. He just wants to keep his head down and get along with everyone by ignoring the current scandals and not tossing his own dirt out in the open. It's just best to let the gossips fall and learn, mainly because they won't try to dig up his own dirt (not that they'll succeed anyway) and since they never listen to him. 

Oscar has undying loyalty for friends he has. They are the Goeys he wants to work as hard as possible to cheer up, wiping the grief from their faces, and shoving that peaceful glint back into their eyes. They are the Goeys he would give up his life for. Some would say that's going a bit too far, but once they hold the key to his love in their paws/hooves, Oscar is extremely.. Passionate. Loyal. He has a love for them so strong he'd happily give up his life for theirs. It's just how his mind works.

Oscar is a very easygoing and likable Goey, because he doesn't circulate drama and cause pain intentionally, also because he's humourous and tries to make light of everything. But even he has his dark underbelly -- just as if you turned over a white stone, you'd be greeted with dirt and grime. He lets things stew inside himself, especially how his mother never really loved him, and he keeps all of his pain private. It's like oil -- as soon as you put a flame to it, it just blows. And it will burn you. When you unleash the deeply hidden pain and frustation that takes months to get to, Oscar takes it out on you, physically or verbally, whether or not it's your fault. He's very, very vulnerable during this state. Logic flees his mind, and he seeks nothing but to hurt. This has happened once before, and he certainly does not want to relive it.

And that's why he tries so hard to make other Goeys happy and get along with them. It's.. Sort of like to make up for what will, or what has, happened. It's a automatic defense so they won't unleash those emotions, he won't have to relive them. 


Age: 8
Height: 2'3"
Weight: 38lbs

No mate

Being called by her full name
Being excluded
Lack of sleep and food

Practical jokes & having a good laugh, corny jokes, etc
Being included
Any season except winter
Plenty of food & sleep

Main personality traits: Outgoing, vulnerable, easygoing, humorous, impatient.
Victoria (aka Vicky) is a bubbly, warm, outgoing and impatient character who can't say no to jokes and adventure (adventure = peeving off the Prime & Prince). She often has one of her paws (or hooves) in trouble, even though she tries hard at times to stay away from it if mischief may harm somegoennec. She tries to get along well with everyone and tries not to hold grudges, convincing herself that it would just make everyone hate her.

Vicky is pretty inexperienced when it comes to battle, so she often tries to watch those more experienced when she can, to sneak off a short distance and practice them in her own time. She hates battle with a passion, and always finds herself faltering every time she has an opportunity - and she hates that side of herself. Too soft. Too merciful. Hence why she practices. To become the perfect Goennec, she believes she must be good at everything, including battle.

She has the constant fear of being excluded (or rejected) from the Siv every year or from the herd, so constant that it constantly gnaws away at her heart strings, so she has a tendency to try too hard 24/7 - though it may not show at times, but at other times it may be as clear as daylight. She always feels the need to be nice, funny, attractive, everything you want to find in a good friend or a mate - and when she fails, it really cuts deep down and she sulks for short periods of time before picking herself up and continuing.
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