Babyfroggi's Characters


Naturally colored
No abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: None/possibly looking

Likes: Quiet and relaxation (though she doesn't mind some excitement every now and again), water, sunny days, rain, being with friends, exploring the forest, drawing patterns in the dirt, being alone (although she won't often object to the company of others).

Dislikes: Big, loud, disruptive things (usually), heights, people who pity themselves constantly, rude people, arguments, feeling abandoned

Hannie is the quiet accommodating one. She isn't shy, she just doesn't need to have much attention. She has a happy-go-lucky attitude, and laughs often; her cheery behavior is often contagious. She doesn't like being idle, and tends to be fidgety and occasionally jumpy. She doesn't mind helping out, a quality which is often exploited by the others, unfortunately. Hannie doesn't really have a bad side, and her innocent nature makes her hard to dislike, but also sometimes easy to manipulate. Although, occasionally someone will off-handedly wonder if she is really that easy to control, or if it is simply some odd whim. 
She is very light on her feet, and loves running and exploring in the forest. New things intrigue her, and she's been known to sit still and observe something like a pretty bird for hours at a time.
While her nature would make you think otherwise, this little soldier is a fighter. She doesn't enjoy fighting, but she is more than willing to protect the pack; and if she kicks you, it'll hurt. She's stronger than she looks. She wouldn't fight a herd member unless completely necessary, though; she doesn't want to hurt anyone she is close to.
The bow on her tail was given to her by a young human girl when she was only a few months old. She had gotten stuck in something -her memory of it was foggy now -and her tiny bleats had drawn the child's parents to find her. As she healed, she grew close to the little girl and played with her when she got home from school; the girl thought her favorite hair bow matched the little creatures patterns so perfectly that she gave it to Hannie. The years passed, Hannie and Elizabeth grew older but they still were the best of friends. 
Five and a half years passed. Ellie started going to high school, and Hannie grew accustomed to domestic life and spent her time chatting with the neighbors pets through the fence of the backyard. One day the family didn't return home after a while, and Hannie started to get worried and eventually, hungry. One day while she was watching the TV (she loved the pretty pictures it made with magic) she saw the families faces appear. If she had known how to read, she would have seen the words "Car collision" and "fatalities". But since she couldn't, she had no idea they would never be coming back.
As she started to feel sick from hunger, she finally remembered the old cat door and smashed at the stuck door with her strong back feet until it gave way and allowed her out. She disappeared from the house and never returned. Wandering on her own, she learned to fight in order to survive. She was on her own, going from place to place and surviving on stealth for a year and a half. Only in the last few months did she stumble upon the herd, and was allowed to make it her new home.

 nicknamed "Mal"

Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally colored
All Paws
Aspergers Syndrome

Mate/ marital status: none/ not actively looking

Drawing, music, friends, the night sky, berries, the sun, warmth, moss, soft dirt

Cold, heights, falling (long distances), being alone

Mal has a rare (for Goeys) mental disorder; in her species, they call it the "Emotionless Sickness" -which in retrospect, isn't the most accurate name - but to us humans, we know it by a different name; Autism, or more specifically, Asperger's Syndrome.
This has always put Mal apart from the other Goennecs she meets - she's different, she's strange, why does she act like that? - but it's never bothered her. She knows she is different, and that it often unnerves others, so she doesn't blame them for natural shunning of "different". 
She is very shy and submissive, never one to take the lead or speak up. In fact, she doesn't speak that often to begin with, unless you're one of her best friends. Her soft, low voice is usually bottled up inside her, a few words here and there - but if you're a friend, you could be bombarded with a story or an explanation of something that just keeps going on and on. She won't notice if you're paying attention, though; she becomes lost in whatever she's saying. 
Her thinking and actions are similar to that of a child -innocent, trusting, and usually not too complex. She is very easily unfocused and will often be found staring into space. Like a child, she reacts strongly to praises and is ashamed when she knows she is in trouble or has done something wrong.
She is very musically oriented. She can often be found humming quietly or tapping her paws on the ground in short rhythms. One of her other favorite things to do is doodle and create patterns and little drawings in the soft dirt. Either activity is able to put her mind at ease if she is ever feeling sad or upset.
She's usually pretty awkward around other Goeys; her social skills... well, not that great. She'll usually simply listen to the conversations of those around her, not often joining in. That doesn't really make her antisocial, though; quite the contrary. She loves to be in the company with others, and is very withdrawn when she is by herself (which she tries not to be by herself often). When she was little, she was always treated by the adults like, because of her "sickness", she would not be able to survive if she was on her own. 
Not only was she the weird, quiet, sick one, but she was also the girl with four paws - she's weird, she's different, the other kids would whisper amongst themselves when they thought she couldn't hear. The hurtful words never bothered her though, and she never hated those who put her down. 
Mal often speaks in monotone, and very rarely shows much expression. Her way of speaking tends to be somewhat formal sounding, and she is often thought to be "unfeeling". She doesn't often understand jokes or puns unless they are explained, and even then she doesn't see the humor in them. 
Eye contact isn't one of her strengths. When talking or listening to someone, she might be looking down, she might be looking at the trees, the bushes, someone nearby -but her eyes will never look at the other Goennec's face for long, maybe a quick glance before looking away again. She's also fidgety, and even when sitting still her tail will no doubt be flipping steadily against the ground behind her. Mal also seems to generally feel uncomfortable in her own body, and often stumbles.
Her father was a human raised Goey, his human was a Musician. This no doubt stemmed Mal's interest in music, as her father taught her all of the things he learned from his human. She can read and write music; some of her drawings are songs she may have hummed earlier and wanted to write down. She knows everything about music, and loves explaining it to friends; most of the time, they get lost among all the musical terms and end up tuning her out until she stops talking. Not like she'll notice, of course.
Mal is a slight insomniac. She can often be found gazing at the moon and stars, wondering what's up there. She doesn't wake up in the middle of the night nearly as much as she did when she was younger; now, only one or two nights are spent awake. Even though she doesn't get much sleep those nights, she hardly ever shows if she's tired.

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