Pandora's Characters


Naturally colored
Four Paws

Open for mates


Exploring, doing what she wants, daydreaming, being free, running around. Wandering off, friends


Being alone, being cooped up, small minded goennecs, learning things that arent 'fun', having to sit down, being unable to run, being betrayed


Garnet doesnt know too much about the world after being sheltered from it by her parents. She is rebellious and loves exploring. She gets lost easily and is usually daydreaming. She doesnt pay attention to others unless she really wants to or has to. Garnet is energetic, but after being cooped up and unable to run she cannot go a far way without complaining. She is rather airheaded and always wanders off. Garnet is kind and sweet, but when she gets mad she is a devil. She can be snobby at times, but rarely. Garnet is complicated, like a maze. You think you've figured it out and then all of a sudden there are these new paths, just like Garnet; you think you have figured her out but then she shows you this whole new side of her. She is flighty in this sense, but most love her nontheless. She hates being alone and She trusts others easily, but will hold a grudge for a very long time after losing faith and trust in someone who has betrayed her.


Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities

Crush on Garnet; Open


All the time: Being leader, being with friends, peace, food, happiness
'Bad' attitude: Being leader, being independent
'Good' attitude: Having lots of friends around, being fussed over


All the time: Being told what to do, Grief, starvation, pain, death, being alone
'Bad' attitude: Being told what to do, changing his mind, indesiscive creatures
'Good' attitude: Being upset, being yelled at, being told off


Svartur is independent, not one to be told what to do. He can be grumpy and rebellious and is stubborn. He doesn't like changing his mind or indesicsive creatures. He wants everything to go his way and he doesnt give up. He is one to challenge, he likes a good fight, even if its a fake one. But thats just one side of the complex personality of Svartur. Other times Svartur is meek and obedient, quiet and carefree. He is laid back and a food obsessed goennec. He is kind and caring and doesnt mind what happens as long as he isnt hurt. He doesnt enjoy anything 'bad' or 'evil' and doesnt really know much about the world.

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