Minnie's Characters


Stats [height, variations]: 2'1". Naturally Colored. All Paws.

Mate/ marital status: No mate yet/Not looking quite yet.

Likes: Challenges, Being around others(to a certain point), Showing off her skills, Mellow atmospheres, Winning, Learning.

Dislikes: Really Loud, Losing(but she's not a sore loser), Hectic days.

Personality: Beebie is quiet and mellow, but a fierce competitor who is hard to beat with her natural ability at winning(not saying she wins at everything). She's always up to a challenge, not matter how relaxed she is. She's like a sports car, can go from 0 to 80(in amounts of adrenaline) in a matter of a few seconds.


Naturally colored
Mythical qualities

hard to see, but has one tail, two tail feathers
feathers in place of horns
does not have wings, but has tufts of feathers on shoulders
Feathers on ankles

No mate, looking for a quiet companion.

Running in the wind
being outside
being alone, but would like someone who understands him there with him
gazing at the stars and clouds
winning battles(but not in a jockish way)

Loud places
clear skies
people who treat him like a castaway

Because Nixx was born with feathers and not horns, the other males rejected him so he has been a castaway his whole life and never really talked to anyone. His main resourwe to keep sane was nature. He would always be found sitting in the woods or taking runs on the trails made by himself or his pack. Even though he was a liner and did prefer to be alone, he always wishes in the back of his mind that he could be normal. His thoughts on Jim being made general were that it just made his life a lot worse than it needed to be. A lot of the males and some of the few female warriors were furious at the thought of them teaching jom and at the thought of teaching them and messing up big time made Nixx want to flat out suicide, hit how would that help? Well he knows it would get him out of the situation, but then where would he be? He wouldn't and didn't know so he tries his best to keep the thought away. He was determined to do good though so he knows he won't give up until they start to listen to him and actually try to do their best. 


Stats [height, variations]: 1'1". Naturally colored. Feathers on hips and shoulders. Floppy ears.

Mate/ marital status: too young.

Likes: Almost everything. Any little thing could spark something in her imagination and give her a reason to love something. Though she does draw the line at some point.

Dislikes: People who are ignorant and greatly rude, but she doesn't really notice them.

Personality: Riall is a free-spirited girl that just goes with the flow. She has a wide imagination, but isn't totally in la-la world. She knows what's going on around her and what things are. She doesn't care if people think poorly of her, but does gladly accept compliments.

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