Toady's Characters


No mate

-Long grass
-Being loud



In most ways, Bass is nothing unusual. He's a decent soldier, a typical ram, and generally hearty. But he also tends to be skittish, and has issues whenever he feels trapped. He might lash out if he felt squashed, but tends to be cheerful. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have made it very far. He's also a bit of a hopeless romantic, he has eyes for one doe in particular, and since she always shoots him down, is not much good at holding a harem together. 

Dunna (Dee)


no abnormalities

no mate


Hunting~ Dee is actually quite a skilled hunter. She likes to comment on how does like herself are perfectly capable of providing for themselves, and has a fun time proving it by stuffing her face and shoving the scraps at rams (and other does) who have annoyed her. She's actually not very high-strung, so her annoyance usually comes out in ways like this. She doesn't ever really yell, or attack anyone. Food is the best solution. Hunting also seems to calm her down and keep her busy. Dee is admittedly happiest when she's busy, and sitting around for too long tends to make her nervous. 

Sunning~ Sometimes Dee just likes to sit out in the sun and soak up the warmth. Not only is it relaxing, but she (somewhat) secretly seems to think that it will help to keep her young. Indefinitely. Dee's concept of aging is a bit skewed. 

Plants~ While she likes meat too and knows that it's good to eat some on occasion, Dee doesn't actually enjoy meat all that much and mainly stuffs her face with the stuff to prove a point. She prefers eating her special herbs, because they make her feel young, and seem to do a good job of keeping her young looking as well. Especially blueberries, those are her favorites along with the darker leafy greens she finds in the forest. And moss, sometimes she eats moss.

Kids~ Dee admittedly loves taking care of kids. Part of the reason she refuses to retire is so that she can continue to care for them. It's not so much that she likes their helplessness, but the process of watching them mature and grow up has never failed to fascinate her. In a way, it's as if she gets to watch herself grow up again and again. Often she will befriend the younger generations of soldiers, just so she can see how their personalities change. Since she can't live her own life over and over again, the least she can do is watch others live theirs. 


Aging~ Dee doesn't even want to think about getting old. She would love to stay young forever, or at least die young. Luckily for her, she hasn't encountered any problems or slowed down much at all with the passing of years. Her agility is consistent, and her memory is as good as it ever was. Although to be honest, her memory was never that spectacular. She holds on to the things that are important, and anything she doesn't consider 'important' seems to get thrown away. 

Repetition~ Once you've lived as a soldier for so long, the daily routine of eating, sleeping, and breeding gets a bit boring. This is a factor in her occasional misbehavior. She just has to mix it up every now and then. That's also a large part of why she likes kids so much. Each one is different, and as they grow, she gets to see their personalities evolve. 


Herbalist~ Dee has always been interested in plants. She has no special knowledge of healing, but she has a pretty good grasp on the effects of a number of plants. Generally she just eats them herself, and if asked will accredit her diet to the fact that she hasn't appeared to age very much since she was young. In some ways, she's a bit like a moderate goennec 'hippy'. 

Youthful~ There are few things she believes in so strongly as youth. Dee is never satisfied unless she can prove to herself that she has retained it. Even though she is no longer a 'young adult' she remains spry and capable as a soldier.

Cougar~ I guess that's the word to use. She's not gross about it, but Dee is still capable of producing healthy kids, and she prefers rams who also have a good history. There aren't very many who are older than her, and those who are have often taken mates, while she remains a fan of harems. So, generally speaking, she's more likely to go for the younger rams. Most don't even notice how much older she is, because Dee behaves much the same way she did when she was five.

Community Oriented~ Like most goennecs, Dee is happiest when she's in a group. She doesn't really have loyalties to family in particular, but she'll often make a point to spend time with those she is related to. Mainly her father, Guru. She has always gotten along well with the odd colored ram, and remembers best how he was a well respected soldier before his joints started giving out. 

Competitive~ Dee doesn't like to be bested. She's more than willing to work for the things she wants, but sometimes that includes a bit of competition. That can include sabotage, she isn't really above ganging up on another goennec. She's wild, and as it is said, only the fittest will survive. 

Judgmental~ That's something she would actually prefer not to be. When others get judged she doesn't feel right about it, and yet at the same time when she sees someone who is different it isn't hard to read the judgement in her eyes. Dee picks everyone apart and quickly notices flaws. But she usually won't act on what she sees. There isn't any point, and if she's going to behave cruelly towards anyone it would only be for her own benefit. 

Selfish~ Just a little bit. Dee has good intentions, and she would go out of her way to help others, but often this often gets turned around to helping herself partway through the process of being generous. 

Down to Earth~ She may be inherently a bit of a jerk, but Dee is not a fake. If she tries to do something out of character, her face will show it instantly. She's practically transparent. Whenever Dee tries to lie she tends to crack up or admit outright that she's not being truthful. It may be a bit of morality shining through, she knows it's bad to lie and that effects how she behaves. On the flip side, it also means it's easy to see when she's being judgmental, and often the things she says could be rightly taken as insults. If she knew how to sugar-coat things, she probably would. Dee is well aware of the fact that everyone has those occasional thoughts about doing things that aren't good and pure. She almost finds it disgusting that others are so easily able to lie about it, while her ill intentions are just out there for the world to see. But there's also a bit of envy involved, because she knows that if she had the self-control not to carry out the ideas her mind gives her, she could easily be considered one of those pure goody-goody does. 

Stats [height, variations]: 
No abnormalities
Mate/ marital status: 
none, too young
the night
strange noises
warm things
the way blood looks when dripped in water
anything she doesn't understand
Like her parents, Echo tends to be a fighter, she understands the herd and loves it as her home, but feels like she could do better than just be a harem doe during the Siv and a regular Goennec the rest of the time. 
She loves to explore, especially during the night, and dance among the fog. She is sometimes disoriented by odd sounds she hears that remind her of gently flowing water, at which times she tends to wonder off in a sort of daze.

Feliciano (Felix)

Ribbon around neck
No Mate



Felix likes to think of himself as a gentleman, and he tries his very best to be polite and show off his good manners. But he is still young enough to be a kid at heart, and has a difficult time completely abandoning some of his immature habits. He also has an unfortunate temper, that seems to lead him into trouble with other rams on occasion. His reaction to being angry varies, but almost never involves yelling or other verbal cues. 


natural coloring
no abnormalities
no mate, not looking (elder)

Warm, sunny days- these are the days he spends mostly sleeping, which admittedly, is something he loves to do
Stories- while Guru himself is a halfway decent story teller, he much prefers to listen, and occasionally learn one he particularly likes
Company- Guru does not admire the occasional loner, he enjoys being surrounded by a herd, both because it provides protection, and he gets to see the little ones grow up and tell stories with the other elders

Winter- he doesn't hate it passionately or anything, but Guru finds winter annoying because food is scarce and living is harder
Fights- at one point Guru was an established soldier, but various injuries forced him to retire early, and he now dispises fights
Loud noises/man- loving the quiet, Guru just plain wishes the man people would drop off the earth

Guru, in general, is a rather light hearted fellow. He tends to only worry about himself, but would gladly stop to help someone who looks like they're in need of company. He isn't very fast, and his joints tend to pop in and out of place, but he still loves to wonder around. 


Stats [height, variations]: 


2'5 (as an adult)

No abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 

None, too young


Mornings- Honda is always up bright and early, he likes waking up before most of the others so that he can watch the sun rise and hunt while prey is still groggy.

Weather- Honda is very hearty, and while he's not fond of dangerous weather, he likes thunderstorms, snow, and other things of that nature. Something about it just strikes him as being exciting.

Tercel- While he's not particularly close to his parents, Honda enjoys spending time with his older adopted brother. Except when Tercel gets him into trouble, which is fairly often.


Fish- Something about fish really puts Honda off. He hates how difficult they are to catch, and the way they smell, and taste. Just everything about them in general. 

Fear- For some reason Honda feels like he has something to live up to, but he isn't immune to fear and the reactions that causes bothers him. 

The Siv- Honda doesn't like chasing after does, and while he's not actually old enough to participate in the Siv, he doesn't imagine that he would like to. To him it seems awkward, and almost degrading to the does. 


Thoughtful- Unlike his adopted brother, Honda prefers to think things through before he acts. He's not one to get into many fights, and would much rather talk his way out of them. 

Quiet- Honda doesn't really talk all that much. In youth his voice was (is) fairly high pitched, and he feels embarrassed having to use it around the other rams, especially his father. He's terrified that Threonine might think there's something wrong with him. 

Active- It's unusual to see Honda doing nothing. If he isn't out hunting rabbits, he'll be pacing around the herd or getting dragged into one of Tercel's little adventures. 


No Mate

-Shiny objects
-Being bullied


In general, Magnolia is very quiet and subdued. She has a troubled mind, filled with fear and who knows what else. It's hard to tell exactly what is wrong with her, but she's generally a very friendly doe, and opens up to kids more than other adult goennecs. 


Stats [height, variations]: 


No abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 

No mate, not interested in a permanent one

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 



Fighting- While she's perhaps not the strongest goennec around, Mai likes fighting and finds the life of a soldier to be exciting. She also will refuse to be in a harem unless the ram who is interested in her can beat her in a fight. 

The Brothers- Honda and Tercel are her closest friends.

Equality- Mai doesn't like being seen for her gender. Some times she wishes she wasn't a female at all, and she enjoys the company of rams more than that of does. Although she does sometimes get a kick out of teasing some of the confused does during the Siv. 


Holes- She's afraid of going into holes, being near holes, or looking down at holes due to an earlier life experience. 

Losing- Mai expects to lose fights against rams, since they're just generally stronger than does, but she refuses to lose against a member of her own sex. 

Weakness- During the Siv when rams treat her like an object to be gained for temporary use, she can get a bit moody. Rams seem to look down on her, and it's especially at these times she wishes she was not a doe so that she could really give them a piece of her mind. 


Good natured- Usually Mai isn't someone to be weary of. She isn't too serious and knows how to relax and have fun. She isn't very good at holding grudges. 

Competitive- Mai isn't a fan of getting pushed around and she'll let anyone know it. She loves to win and prove her point. 

Blunt- Usually Mai won't beat around the bush, if she has something to say she's going to say it. 

Milky Way

Naturally colored
No Abnormalities

No mate/Open to idea

exploring, studying life forms, life in general, both light and darkness

death, being disliked, the general idea of "fate"

Milky Way is a bit more gentle than her twin, her dark looks can be a bit decieving. Her job has always been to search out, study, and take careful note of the creatures living wherever she happens to go. Often away from her sister for years at a time, much of what she does remains a mystery. Rather secrative she can be hard to spot, often appearing to be little more than a dark mass. But like Stargazer, she's good at playing the role of "very normal". 

No mate
-Loud Noises
-Causing Destruction


Nadia can adapt to a number of situations, if she needs to. It's not really her personality that decides that, but rather her experience. Considering that she's not particularly old, she's gone through a generous amount in her life time. She was bred domestically, but is by no means a 'pet'. In fact, she's too dangerous to keep in a small space. Nadia wouldn't really mind it too terribly, but she would surely destroy everything in sight, if given the opportunity.
Most of Nadia's outward behavior is toned-down. Like most of her kind, she was trained early on by her mother not to bounce around like an idiot all the time. But she has the energy. A lot of her more vicious behavior comes simply as an outlet. She isn't one to get angry, but she loves to fight. Those tiny little horns can do a generous amount of damage if they're used the right way.
Nadia isn't actually a wild goennec, so she doesn't have the same commitment to a herd that most would have. Loyalty to a greater group is ingrained in her genes, but without a herd, her desire to protect other individuals is scarce. She lives on the grounds of an old junk yard, owned by a human who uses her and the rest of the gang as guards. They aren't as vicious as dogs, but the owner is a bit of an enthusiast, so the bulk of the gang makes up for their lack of pure man-eating ferocity.
Nadia has a terribly difficult time expressing the wiser of her thoughts. She sometimes comes off as being stupid, ill, or damaged. Not necessarily without reason. She has a form of Asperger's Syndrome, which causes her symptoms such as limited empathy, flat speech, and frequent one-sided conversations.

While she may have difficulties with making conversation, she loves to talk to herself. Nadia would like to make friends and engage in meaningful relationships, but she can't seem to process that. Occasionally she will gain a friend, but her difficulties mean that she won't realize the individual is her friend, until it's too late. She gets along best with those who paint themselves as superior, because when she is taken advantage of, she at least gets the feeling of being needed. In such cases she ceases to speak outwardly, and will frequently wander off to continue engaging herself in conversation. 


Stats [height, variations]: 


No abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 

None, not interested

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 



Companionship- Although he has some trouble attaining it, Norman likes having close company. He doesn't understand intimacy very well, but he longs for close friends. 

Dust- Norman doesn't like getting dirty, but he loves dust baths. He hardly considers it to be 'dirt' because it makes his fur feel softer. 

Water- That's good stuff. Norman doesn't necessarily enjoy swimming, but he likes to lay around in shallow water, especially on hot days. 

Control- Norman is ultimately happy when he feels that he has control over his life. That is, if everything goes the way he expects it to. He's not really very ambitious, but that only seems to have raised his expectations of his life as it is. He will never aspire to be more than a soldier, but he would like to have the ideal life of a soldier.


Rejection- Norman doesn't like to be rejected any more than the next guy. 

Dependence- Perhaps it is a result of pride, but Norman hates being dependent on anyone for anything. He would like the self security of being able to fight and hunt for himself. Anyone giving assistance must only be acting to lower his status.

Humiliation- Having endured plenty of that during his life, Norman would love to regain a good reputation. He's only lucky enough to have someone willing to help him.

Fights- In all honesty Norman doesn't actually enjoy fighting very much. It's not just because it might 'soil his coat' or the possibility of injury, but rather the fact that whenever he has gotten into fights it has always ended badly for him. So he would like to avoid them if possible. 

Flaws- Norman hates to admit his own flaws, but over time he has become well aware of them. One of his biggest goals in life is to fix himself, and to purge the hostility from his mind.


Womanizer- If he gets the idea that a doe is at all interested in him, he'll pursue her. He is inherently this way, and never had any problems gathering decent sized harems, since he grew up well practiced in the ways of wooing does. Norman doesn't do this so much out of pride or even lust so much as because he knows he can. 

Mild Mannered- So he would appear. Norman has hovered between being an introvert and an extrovert his entire life. 

Confused- Never would he admit that he's confused, but Norman has a difficult time grasping certain aspects of his life. He wants his existence to be perfect and simple, but it's not, and he can't just be Norman the normal. Sometimes his confusion even leads him to fear and anger, which tends to just make things more difficult. 

Egotistical- Norman isn't exactly humble. He isn't very loud about it, but he thinks somewhat highly of himself, and if someone puts him to shame he is bound to act coldly towards them. Norman doesn't like to admit that there might be anything wrong with him, and when he is provided irrefutable evidence that something is he's been known to become defensive.

Immature- Just because he's reached adulthood doesn't necessarily mean that Norman is fully mature. He is constantly growing and adapting to his situation, but it takes him some time to grow as an individual. Norman has potential, he just needs to continue on the better path to finding it. 

Simplistic- There is a point to which Norman is more comfortable with formalities. He would rather not complicate things with emotions, and finds that pretending to be stoic can be useful. This of course doesn't help him to appear playful and friendly, but it's practical. Sometimes he does slip and let loose bits of how he really feels, but not if he can help it. Norman believes that herd life should be simple, and goennecs should live for the sake of living. Unfortunately he has a terrible time following his own guidelines, but he's stuck to the idea and won't let it go. 

Stubborn- Norman can be very stubborn about certain things, and when he's got an idea, or is humiliated, he'll stay that way for a good long time. He does pout, but often in a subtle way. Norman will pretend he really hates something, but secretly he has a difficult time holding grudges. 


Naturally colored
No Abnormalities

No mate/Not looking

the night, compliments, attention (but only when she spacifically wants it, which quite honestly isn't that often), quiet, mapping stars- to a certain degree

anyone who "has an easy life", containment, humiliation 

Not quite "dark" but getting there. For a very long time it's been her job to map out celestial bodies and control their positions so they don't mess up the order of the universe, but she alway wanted a more exicting life, like the one her sister, Milky Way leads. So she tends to be quite revengeful, if anyone has what she wants she seems to make it her goal to destroy it. All or nothing in a way, but if she wants to be "very normal" than you'd better believe that's what she'll be. 

naturally colored
no abnormalities 
no mate, only after Threonine

Stories- Subira hasn't the patience to sit and listen to a story, but she lives to spin them. For many years telling stories has been her way of keeping calm and sane while she waited for her friend.
Belonging- If she doesn't feel like she belongs, Subira won't stick around. Unless she doesn't know where he is, Subira goes where Threonine goes.
Wind- She sings to the wind, dances with it, flies with it (not literally). For her, a day without wind is like a week without water.

Water- Because of her near death experiance, falling into a river and becoming trapped under the ice, Subira tends to stay away from it at all costs
Sleeping- Although she knows she needs to sleep, she doesn't really like to because it usually brings on nightmares

Calm- It's very difficult to make her angry. She's not the bouncy type either, and seems to do everything with a bit of dignity. Her walk, her look, even her eyes all seem to whisper like wind chimes, often making others feel a certain peacefullness.
Shy- She doesn't tend to talk a lot, much preferring to think quietly by herself, observing her surroundings and trying to connect them to things she has a hard time remembering. However, she doesn’t wonder far from her herd, and can easily be thought of as decently social.
Cheerful- Despite happenings, she loves to wear a shy smile on her face. She rarely snears, if ever. Her personality has always been rather cheerful, not to say that she doesn't ever feel sadness, anger, or regret, but if she can avoid that, she will. 
Forgiving- Rarely holding a grudge, she’s one of the more easy going Goennecs in the herd. It doesn’t mean she isn’t afraid of some, but she won’t hold it against them if they decide to act decently. 
Mysterious- Much of what goes on in her mind is not relayed to those around her. Thus, they know less about her feelings towards past events.
Like a mobile/wind chime- A lot of her personality really does have to do with her kindness and peaceful aura. I relate her to a mobile (and windchime) for a reason. Like a mobile, she is beautiful and fascinating, if not a little strange. She sings her life with grace and elegance hard to match. She loves to tell stories, and while Subira herself has no true mythical qualities, she's very talented at making her songs (stories) come to life in the internal eye of the listener. She dances and twirls, adding movement; common language, to her passionate words.


Stats [height, variations]: 


No Abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 

None, not interested

(he's technically an adult, but there's only a younger image of him)


Family- His real parents are Bear and Finch, but Tercel grew up with a different group of goennecs, and considers them his extended family. He prefers the company of family above that of others.

Fighting- Basically bred to be a fighter, Tercel loves a good brawl, and will often look for excuses to throw his weight around. 

Lazing around- If there's nothing interesting around to do Tercel will just sleep for hours, or listen to the more talkative goennecs. He's not really one for hunting in his spare time unless he's really hungry.


Gangs- Tercel likes fights, but only fair ones. He refuses to react to group taunting, because he sees it as a sign of cowardice on the part of the group's leader. 

Thinking- There's no nice way to say it, Tercel just isn't particularly smart. It's in his genetics, and he is terrible at problem solving. 


Teasing- Tercel tends to bounce around and play jokes on anyone who he thinks is tolerant of that sort of thing. Of course, his judgement is often wrong, but he's nice enough about it to usually avoid getting in trouble. 

Tolerant- There aren't any goennecs that Tercel would say he hates, and very few that he dislikes to any degree. He's deals out pranks, and expects them in return. Unless it involves pain, that's not so much fun. 

Rough- While he doesn't usually mean it in a bad way, Tercel can be a bit rough with his playmates. He doesn't have a whole lot of self control. 


Mountain Herd

Naturally Colored
no abnormalities

ice, cold weather, adventure, challenging predators, his buddy T.H.E. Phantom (an opossum)
water, the thought of drowning, hate
Threonine was not bred to be like other Goennecs. His small herd was smart enough to realize that they did not want to be hunted. The stronges males and females were bred, and the strongest of their offspring. They were taught not to fear predators, they were taught to fight back, and they died young as a result. Still though, the trend continued, and Threonine was the result. He was not a whole lot more muscular than any of the others, but he was quick and clever. 

Living high up in the mountains, his training was simple. Survive your first five years, breed, and fight. It was an instinct welled deep into his mind. Think not like a prey animal, not like prey, you must not be prey. No one in their right mind wants to be prey, so Threonine followed his instinct. 

For many years he never had to actually fight a large animal like a snow leopard, but he came close. Rather than running at the approach of one of these animals, he would stand his ground, threatening with his horns. Usually having an animal run at full speed and nearly bash their heads in did the trick. Like others bred for his purpose, he had no name, only a number. But Threonine (the word not the Goennec) was also an amino acid, a fact which he did not know. 

Eventually he left his herd in search of a new one. He hated feeling superior, since all other bred for his purpose had died much earlier as a result of their inability to feel fear. He crossed mountains, deserts, grasslands, even large rivers in search of someone, anyone. He was kind at heart, a fatherly figure, but also intimidating. It was hard to proove him wrong, he seemed to think he knew everything. Had he been human, Threonine would have made a wonderful agent or detective even. Unfortunately, he was witness to many tragedies as well. The first female he desired literally died right under his nose. It was no predator that killed her, it was water. She drowned in an river, becoming trapped beneith a belto of ice. A belt which Threonine was standing on. 

He may not feel fear as a proper animal should, but he was deeply hurt by her death. He had stood there, watching her drown with a blank look in his eyes. Her hooves had scraped the ice, trying to get air, her body convulsing as water entered her lungs. He was bred for survival, yet became aware of how fragile life really was. A fact which would remain with him his entire life, especially in the world of ice waiting to swallow him whole.


Stats [height, variations]: 


No abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 

None, not interested 

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 



Ladies- Virgil likes all does, even the company of mated ones, as long as they can tolerate him.

Celebrations~ Virgil doesn't need an invitation to have fun. Virgil will have fun whenever he wants to, wherever he wants to. 

Manliness- Virgil thinks himself to be quite manly, and considers that to be a good thing. He is especially proud of his nice little goatee, and feels somewhat sorry for anyone who has not been blessed with such a glorious attribute. He often brings up the matter when he's talking to Threonine, because he knows the Prince finds it annoying (he's not always completely ignorant). 

Company- Well, he is a herd animal. Virgil just doesn't like to feel unwanted or abandoned, but he can handle himself fine when there's nobody around to talk to. 

Heat- Virgil was born in the desert, and he will always love the desert. Hot weather is good weather. He also blends in well with the desert atmosphere, and that gives him an extra sense of security. There aren't many big predators out there, so he always felt at home and could live easy.

Cacti- They're prickly, but they always listen to his poetry.

Language- Virgil is fascinated by what can be accomplished by goennec symbolism. He's afraid of humans, but if Virgil ever was forced to live among them he would be doubly interested in their far more complicated speaking structure. 


Bugs- It's not uncommon to dislike bugs, but Virgil is particularly afraid of them. Not when they're doing their own thing, but it scares the living daylights out of him to think of bugs crawling around in his fur.\

Burs- Since Virgil lived on the edge of the desert he often encountered prairie grass and the burs that came with it. They would get stuck in the fur around his legs, and pierce his tongue when he tried to pull them out. He quickly learned to hate them, and if he could he'd get someone else to pull them out instead. 

Thick Forests- Virgil feels uncomfortable in enclosed spaces. He would like to see the sky, and being stuck in among a bunch of towering trees makes him feel twitchy. He's too proud to complain about it, but one can always tell he's uncomfortable in the forest because of his little nervous laugh and the way he'll shift around on his feet. 

Rejection- Considering the fact that he never gives up on does, it doesn't really put him out too much when he is rejected. But secretly, it always bothers him how small to non-existent his harems generally are each Siv. 


Cowardly- Virgil pretends he's all that, and he'll even challenge anyone he thinks he can beat in a fight, but when it comes to actual battles and predators he would rather shove someone out in front to get eaten first while he makes his escape. 

Flirtatious- He likes the ladies. Virgil doesn't really know how to take a hint, so he often does a good job of scaring off most potential harem does. That doesn't stop him from trying though, he's very much a ladies man and if you're a doe you're probably worthy of some Virgil time, like it or not.

Virgil has also been known to flirt with non-does. Such as trees, rocks, cacti, and himself. Especially if he sees his reflection in a pool of water. 

Ignorant- Never on purpose. Virgil doesn't know that he's ignorant, he's that way by nature. Whether it's in dealing with females or even rams, he just kind of does his own thing and if you don't like him for it he probably won't notice. In fact, Virgil seems to have the impression that everyone is secretly very fond of him. 

Charming- Some times... Maybe.

Proud- Virgil likes to keep his pelt very clean, as any goennec should, so that he can strut around like the fur coat he is. He thinks he's pretty darn spiffy, enough to flirt with his reflection anyway. However, he does know how to be modest, and doesn't necessarily think of everyone else as being 'lower'. He's smarter than that, but of course, he won't let on to it. 

Poetic- Virgil is a poet. Maybe not a very good one, but he loves trying to talk in poetry. In fact, when he puts his mind to it he can actually create the illusion of speaking with considerable intelligence. He doesn't really know what he's saying half the time, but Virgil knows how to use words to his advantage. Or he can use them to tick others off, whatever floats his boat.



no abnormalities

no mate


Mild~ Will is just kind of your normal, average guy. He's not overbearing, or particularly under-spoken most of the time. If he has something to say, he'll say it, but his statements are usually brief and to the point. He's never one to talk for hours on end, nor does he try to be clever. He just is what he is. 

Temperamental~ Usually mild, even Will is liable to snap if he's pushed far enough. It's pretty unusual, but when he gets angry he can be pretty darn intimidating. Willoughby would never hurt anyone, but he'll sure get scary, and has a nice deep voice that he uses to express displeasure quite clearly.

Individual~ Willoughby likes doing his own thing. He likes his freedom, and his privacy even among herd life. Of course, he enjoys the members of his herd, but he just needs space. One of the things that ticks him off is being pestered. He doesn't particularly want close friends to bother him all the time, but rather more casual companions. 

Burly~ There's no debating it. Will is exceptionally masculine. He's a bit bulky, tall, has a deep voice, and a scraggly beard. Like a lumberjack, and you bet he knows it. 

Hearty~ Will easily adapts to different situations and even habitats and herds. He can take the heat of the desert or the cold of the mountains without complaining, but he prefers warmer climates since that's where he was born. 

Brave~ Sometimes Willoughby will fight, if he thinks it's worth his time. When he does, it's very difficult to get him to back down, and he won't usually lose without first giving an opponent a piece of his mind. However, to his credit, he's not stupid. Will would never challenge a predator by himself, and unless he's got decent backup he'll probably just run away. Like a real man. 

Loyal~ For the most part Willoughby's loyalty is subjective. If he thinks he is somehow in debt to another, he tends to be loyal to them in ways they might not recognize. He doesn't like a lot of attention, so if he's going to do something noble he probably won't be loud and proud about it. 

Directionally Challenged~ Despite loving his freedom and individuality, Will has a terrible sense of direction. He's prone to getting lost and if nobody was nearby he would probably just wonder around until he died. It's unfortunate for him, because it means he generally has to have others around him all the time to avoid the risk. Being a herd animal this is usually appealing, but there will always be those occasions when he just wishes he had more independence. 

Slow~ Physically, Willy just isn't very fast. He's a fine runner and all, but in a fight he tends to just throw his bulky self around, and is practically incapable of making fast attacks. Because of this, he has a difficult time defending himself, but since he is so heavy he's hard to knock over or unbalance in the first place. 

Stoic~ That's kind of a generalization. Willoughby doesn't use a lot of facial expressions and doesn't really experience a lot of strong emotional feelings. It's very difficult to make him upset of any length of time. Usually if he gets angry, it's in a short burst and he'll quickly appear to forget about the whole thing and go back to his usual routine. Being moody, love-struck, or overly cheerful just isn't his style. 

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