Kindle's Characters



Naturally Colored

All Paws

No Mate


Herd Life

Being in Command







Arrogant and take in charge by nature, Adonis was the Prince in his original herd, but because it was decimated by humans, he and Dinali had to go in search for another herd. After a couple of years they encountered Devarsi's herd, and unfortunately for Devarsi, Adonis did not approve of his leadership, and made it pretty clear by his rather demeaning treatment towards the young Prime. While he can be kind hearted and eager to help others from the herd, he strives to give Devi a hard time, and usually relishes when he sees him stumbling on decisions, although he does play a small hand in giving Blossom hints to help him if need be from time to time. 

Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally Colored
Abnormal Mane Pattern
Mate/ marital status: 
No Mate
His Father
His Mother
Flowering Buds
Loud Noises
Enclosed spaces
Not exactly shy, but very quiet, Ander is an almost complete opposite of his sister. Taking after his mother's personality, Ander has a very gentle attitude. This in no way means he is easily manipulated. If he senses some sort of injustice, he will stand to fight it, with either wits or strength. Ander looks up to his father, hoping to one day make him proud.

Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities
No Mate

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 

Taking naps

Standing Guard
Anything that involves him working

Laid back, a ladies man, and one of the most talkative males in the herd, Bacchus is a soldier, though most wouldn't believe it after a few minutes of talking with him. Easily captivated by the does during the mating season, his target has always been Koal, the unresponsive female no male has ever been able to woo. A close friend of Sam's, the two of them often go out hunting together ever since Devarsi became too busy leading the herd.


Naturally colored
No abnormalities

Open for a mate

Young Ones
Flowering Buds

Being the Center of Attention

Blossom is a friendly, shy, young doe that tends to keep to herself. She used to live with humans as a kid, but she ran off with a wild herd that came across the town she lived in, revealing a slightly more rebellious side to her than she likes to show most of the time. She lost her first herd and was found by Sam and Dew shortly after. Dew seems to bring out the worst in her, but she seems to be the only doe able to keep the vain one stay in place. She has a very good knowledge of flowers, something she picked up from her mother. She tends to speak flower lore from time to time, especially to Forest, whom seems to be the only one interested. She has a small interest in Devi, although she herself does not realize this as she is still not thinking of finding a mate.


Stats [Height, variations]: 

Odd Eyes


Intelligent conversation
Showing off


Lower ranking arbex
Being reminded of his height
Being defeated in battle


Somewhat small for a male, but with the muscles and brains to have that not matter, Cecil is proud and rather full of himself most of the time. His incredible intellect doesn't aid in his ego, and having his sophisticated built and the soft, attractive colors females tend to look for, he walks with his head held high, always showing off. This is not to say that he is unkind or rude however, as he tends to valor others and treat them with respect... however, this is only if he deems them worthy of it.


Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally colored
No abnormalities
Mate/ marital status: 
No Mate

Constant Grooming
Being the Center of Attention

Rough Males with No Sense of Finesse

Dew is vain, egotistical and spoiled, not the best attributes to find on a wild goennec. Needless to say, she does have cunning, as otherwise she would not have survived for as long as she did. A poor hunter, Dew makes up for this with her battling strategies, being unusually strong for a doe, although she prefers for this to stay in a bit of an unknown state, as she believes it takes away from her feminine grace. She gets along with most of the herd, as she is not as obnoxious when in a stable environment, but she will attack brutally at any stranger, even if all she can do is throw harsh words their way. All in all, she is a very contradicting character who normally makes little if any sense at all, even if she doesn't realize how silly or obnoxious she is being.


Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities
No mate

Friendly fights


A gentle, warm hearted stag from Blossom's first herd. When the herd was destroyed by humans, Sam helped him escape, but he was separated from the older stag when the humans captured Sam, making him wander from herd to herd in the search of Blossom. The bright eyed male found the female he was looking for a couple of years after they were separated, and quickly established himself in the herd, much to the prime's dismay. Smitten with the floral goennec, Din keeps trying to show off to the doe, succeeding in making her a part of his harem and having a son with her during that Siv, but not reaching much further after that, noticing that Blossom has eyes for only Devarsi.

Naturally colored
No Abnormalities 

Being left alone
Having her independence

Dominant males
Being the center of attention
Dry Grass

Distant, and sometimes seeming a bit cold, Doe wasn't always like this. When much younger, Doe was quiet and full of hope for things to shine and get better in the end. Sadly, this was never the case in her young life, and after a couple of mishaps, she started seeing the evils of the world that surrounded her with new light, completely blocking herself from any friendship that might simply end up in further pain. Straight to the point and with a lack for tact, she comes off as a rude doe from time to time, despite the fact that she never means any real harm with anything she says.

Lacking in name, Doe chose the only word she had ever been referred to as as her name. It tends to confuse other goennecs a little, and sometimes even makes them think she is pranking them or refusing to tell them her real name. In her mind, she is unfit for a name, as she is little more than another one of the herd, and does not strive to attract attention to herself. Her way of thinking helps her keep a good, balanced mind in times of crisis, making her survival skills excellent.

During Siv, Doe always seems to be fidgety, almost as though if she expect things to go wrong and her kid to be shunned. This was something she adopted from life in her old herd. The worst fear a doe had was to have an unhealthy child, an affected, something utterly despicable that would be killed on the spot, and drive that female away from the herd, in hopes it would die a miserable death in the hands of another animal and take the curse of her sullied bloodline away from the herd.


Stats [Height, variations]: 





The tension of having a harem
Rudeness towards himself or others


A regular height male, Ethan is quiet, gentle and a daydreamer. While he is strong and capable of holding himself in a fight, his constant disconnection from the rest of the world makes him be one of the lesser males, as his mind is always far away from the thought of holding a harem for himself. Despite this, he is held as a rival for Cecil, mostly because despite being mostly what the white and gold male dislikes, the silver stag does hold a certain intelligence to him that is not common in the lower ranks, and he seems to hold that position more out of pleasure in holding an easy going and peaceful life than out of being forced to the bottom of the herd by others.


No Mate


Being Alone


Plump, friendly and a bit on the lazy side, Gorrion is a lovable ball of fluff. Content to stay on the background, Gorrion loves to hear the talk of other goennecs, although he rarely participates in the conversations themselves, his mouth usually full of grass he just picked to nibble on while listening to the others. Despite his remarkably high reputation in the herd despite his lack of fighting or hunting skills, no one dares trust Gorrion with a secret, knowing the poor bloke will certainly tell it on, no doubt by accident as it slips out on some casual conversation with another goennec in the herd. 


Naturally colored, no abnormalities
No mate






Curious - Helena is exceedingly curious, and not just for herbs and flowers, but for the world around her. She is usually seen asking questions or getting her nose into troublesome situations.

Feminine - This is not to say flirty, as poor Helena does not know the first thing about it, but there is an obvious femininity to her, both by how she acts and speaks. She is quite graceful when walking around with others, and her voice is a soft, mellow voice that tends to make up for her lack of knowledge in the 'art of flirting'. Her feminine charms are more useful to her than she knows. Why, if it wasn't for them, she would probably have a lot of angry rams at her for all the times she has nearly poisoned their bellies with her horrible 'energy' mixtures.

Playful - This isn't something blatantly obvious about the doe, but the more one talks to her, the more you realize that everything she does is like a game. While her play time does not involve running around and butting heads with others like it is expected of kids and... certain rams (we are looking at you, Sam), her fascination with herbs and her constant experiments can only be compared to a kid playing. Her eyes shine with glee and her step gains a bouncy step to it that makes her seem almost as though if she were hopping around. This playfulness of hers can be seen in other aspects of her daily life, such as hunting. Unfortunately, due to her rather giddy and enthusiastic behavior when doing so, this makes her a rather poor hunter. Gratefully, Helena is much more at home gracing and simply sharing an occasional rabbit with Gorrion.

Eccentric - Helena doesn't consider herself eccentric in the slightest, but ask enough of her herd mates, and that is definitely what she will be described as. Her obsession with herbs has pegged her as such. In fact, whenever she goes off in search of herbs, it is not rare to see one state that Helena has entered her 'herbomaniac' trance again.

Chatty - And not just a little chatty either. Helena will not shut up! Gratefully, Gorrion seems to be very amused by her constant talking and is more than happy to keep her company despite this (as long as she isn't trying to get him to eat one of her strange herb mixes). However, most other goennecs aren't quite as complacent as Gorrion is, and normally grow rather uncomfortable when they begin to lose track of what she is talking about. 


Naturally Colored
Long Mane 
No mate

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]: 

The sound of running water

Small talk

Koal, or simply Ko, as most like to call her, is a serene and wise goennec. Not exactly old, but by no means not a young doe, Ko has seen her share of life, and seems to have matured at a rather fast rate as a kid. A calm and soothing air seems to surround her, especially when it comes to trying to talk to an angry crowd. Koal has never been easy to anger, but she rarely gets put to the test, as most goennecs, with the possible exception of Dew, try to get on her nerves.

It is rumored that Koal is the descendant of one of the past Primes. Whether this is true or not is unknown, and seems to unfaze the doe as she ignores all questions or comments about this. Her half sister, Dew, was born in the same Siv, in the same harem. Despite this, the two do not get along, mostly because Dew cannot stand how she looks so much like their father, whom was a revered male for his good looks.

The one strange tendency this rather quiet doe has is the painting of some strange markings on her legs right above her natural ones. She says they stand for wisdom, as the wisdom of a goennec stands in their sure footing on the harshest of cliffs.


Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities
No Mate






An honorable soldier who is always eager to please those around him and bring smiles to the faces of others, Moss has earned the approving nod of many from the herd. Because of this, he tends to be able to get away with his flirtatious tendencies, smooth talking both females and the occasional male that permits it. Happiest when spending the day in the company of others, one of his many guilty pleasures is hearing Northern Light's stories, making sure to bring him a rabbit for his time, knowing the spacey male tends to forget to hunt, his mind never really where his hoofs are. His one downfall tends to be days with blazing heat, in which his fear gets the better of him and he tends to get more in the way than help in his frantic mood. The one goennec that can calm him during these days tends to be Doe, and even then he may turn a deaf ear on the spotted female until the day cools off. 

 Northern Lights
Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities
No Mate

Telling stories
Being in the company of others

Being alone

At birth, his pelt had an unusual radiance to it. This was nothing unnatural, but his mother, thinking it was the most beautiful son she could have ever had, named him for the lights that streaked the sky at night. His name being too long for him to pronounce by most of the kids during his younger years, he earned the nickname Sky, to remind them where to look at night to see this natural phenomena.

In his older years, Sky remained a naive and sweet goennec, with no interest in fighting or hunting, but in stories for the others. His story telling was so profound, that others tended to bring a rabbit or two to share with the gentle goennec when he shared his tales, allowing for his nutrition to stay on top. Despite his well formed muscles and generous size, however, the ram remains being a peasant, with no look to raise his status ever crossing his eyes.


Naturally colored, no abnormalities
No mate





Tactless - While not meaning to come off as rude or cold, Opaline tends to lack any form of tact, usually a byproduct of her blurting out whatever she is thinking without considering things through. This unfortunate quirk of hers tends to get her glares from angry herd mates or hurt looks. Opaline doesn't normally realize she has said anything wrong, and immediately becomes confused at the other's reaction to her words. Whenever her lack of tact is brought to her attention, however, she is quick to apologize, usually embarrassed at having caused any sort of discomfort.

Quick Tempered - Despite her calm look and usually friendly - or at least as friendly as she can get before she accidentally insults someone - disposition, Opaline is not anyone would like to anger. Rather large built for a doe, Opaline has a temper to match her height, and is quick to get angry if she doesn't understand something or senses something is wrong. Most goennecs tend to shy away from her the second she stomps a hoof on the ground, afraid of being the ones that end up on the receiving end of one of her rages.

Stubborn - In no way close minded, there is no denying how stubborn this doe can be. If Opaline is certain she is correct, she will not hesitate to cling to her own ideas or plans, yielding only when a reasonable argument is given as to why she should change tactics, and even then, this isn't a regular occurrence. The only one who tends to be able to make her regain any sense of mind during one of her stubborn streaks is Adonis, whom has earned Opaline's respect by demonstrating to have a good, reasonable mind himself.

Loving - In spite of her many flaws, Opaline is actually a very loving doe. She cares very deeply for her friends and herd mates even if she doesn't show it very often. When it comes to one being in danger, however, she can be very passionate, having a hard time hiding her worry or concern. Once the moment or danger has passed, Opaline tends be rather awkward and shy, very self conscious of how rash she acted, especially if praise is given. 

River Song

No Abnormalities
No mate




Feminine and graceful around males, River Song is mostly a naive tomboy of two years old. Usually happy and smiling, River Song loves the spring and the life it brings, usually singing songs along the birds that flutter in the sky. Sharing a high friendship bond with Sihir, River Song is a bit reluctant to admit the fact that she is an adult and embrace her new status as a Soldier in the herd, and goes to her for fun and games when she gets bored around the iddle chitter chatter that tends to accompany the older members of the herd. 


Naturally colored
No abnormalities

Open for a mate

Meat rather than Grazing
Play fighting
Lots of Noise
Playing pranks

Males imposing themselves on females during Siv

Outgoing, loud and a bit of a prankster, Sam can also be very caring and protective. He is friends with the Prime of his heard, and is very loyal to him, except maybe during Siv. At 9 years, Sam was the one who found Blossom and brought her to live with them when she was separated from her former herd. He is not aware of the fact that Blossom used to live with humans. Despite him having a bandanna around his left leg, this goateed male has been wild all of his life. He has never told anyone what transpired the day he got his bandanna, and the only does to see him that day saw only a stag filled with blood.

Stats [height, variations]: 
Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities
Mate/ marital status: 
No Mate
Spirit Realm
Bossing Todd Around
Bothering Secretariat
Playing With T
Her Brother
Being Tiny
Being Grounded
Very high spirited and bouncy, Sihir has never let the fact that she was a stillborn get to her, or so she shows. Always getting herself in trouble, playing little pranks to tease the others, kids and adults alike. She especially finds it amusing to go into the Spirit Realm and tease Secretariat endlessly, usually following him around and asking plenty of nonsense questions just to irritate the stag. She hates how her mother grounds her when she has been 'bad', and usually resorts to going off to the Spirit Realm in anger.

 Sir Washington Rarebit


Naturally Colored

No Abnormalities

No Mate











A high class show goennec reduced to be a pet when rules were changed regarding the standards on show goennecs, Washington fell into depression and hatred of his old servants when he was sold to another family so late in his life. Having met Adonis and Dinali as they were making their way to Devarsi's herd, he joined them in desperation, having seen the decline most male goennecs in his area seemed to have befallen shortly after their visit to who was known as 'the cutter'. While he refused to hunt or do any work that might hurt his delicate paw pads at first, he soon realized he was forced to depend on others as well as himself if he wished to survive, and his keen knowledge of humans as well as high strength, making him a valuable asset to the small group until they met up with the herd. He tends to ramble about his days as a Prime in his old territory to anyone who is willing to listen, usually a very interested Dew who seems to get along oddly well with the arrogant stag.


Naturally colored, no abnormalities
No mate




Relying on others


Broken - Having once been a proud, strong soldier despite his diminutive stature, Squiddle feels as though if he is living someone else's life, or he is being punished for something he must have obviously done wrong. He sometimes wishes to participate actively in the Siv, or help hunting for the herd, but then his leg pulls him back to reality, his limp eternally getting in the way. Being unable to accept his current situation, he has grown bitter and tends to pull away from most goennecs, showing his much gentler side, however rough that is, to select, few members of the herd.

Stern - While a peasant in status, Squiddle has a very stern air about him, his voice being very clear when he speaks, making it obvious when he means business. The bitterness in his voice makes even his gentler compliments seemingly rude in tone, and his harsh gaze isn't a very good aid to this. Despite this, those who know him well enough have learned to understand that he doesn't always mean to sound as though if he were reprimanding, even though he does that more often than a doe with a newly born kid.

Loud - Squiddle's small build is home to a very big personality, and he is not afraid of letting it be known. Acting like a much bigger ram, others tend to find him rather comical, something he despises. He will quickly start attacking anyone who makes a comment about how he is smaller than most does, making his horns ram against the other's side. Back when he was fit and healthy, he would have easily beaten the enemy ram quickly, earning respect for his strength and quick footing. Now that he is so slow in battle, however, it isn't too unusual to see him losing, simply adding to the humiliation of having been called small. Not taking these defeats lightly, he will take to yelling at his adversary, normally resorting to a couple of curses and swears that make most nursing does guide their kids away.

Proud - Despite his continuous feeling of uselessness, Squiddle is a very proud little man. He has no regrets on acting the way he did, and believes that his limp should not give him the status of peasant, but of elder, as he has seen his share of battles in his long life, or rather long by his old herd's life expectancy, which wasn't often past 20. He refuses to bow to anyone but the Prime and Prince, and is quick to snarl and swear at anyone who dares mock him in any way. 


Stats [height, variations]: 
No Abnormalities

Mate/ marital status: 
No Mate

Being around others

Dominant kids


Shy and a disgrace in his mother's eyes, Todd is gentle and caring, and very gentlemanly... that is, if he can stay around long enough to be a gentleman. His cowardice normally gets the better of him, and he will run away calling for his mother as soon as he feels threatened. 


Stats [Height, variations]:



Snowy dats


Harem life
Being female


A loving and beautiful doe that is easily one of the most desirable females in the herd, Venus has never been the type to let this get to her. Knowing that in the end the only thing she will be there for is as property for a male's status, she tends to be a bitter on the subject. She is, however, always up for a good chatter, and as most females, she loves looking after kids. She envies the life that Ethan leads, wishing that she could be as free to chose her status in the herd as he is. Because of her obvious infatuation with the gray ram, and because of her less than amicable nature with him, she is one of Cecil's biggest headaches in the harem, remaining in it only to enhance the golden ram's posture by enhancing his numbers with such a popular doe.


Stats [Height, variations]: 



Getting into headbutting matches with stags


Getting her antlers tangled
Getting dirty
Feeling lost


Feminine and graceful, Vixen carries a strange air around her, mostly inspired by her large 'horns' which give even most males a run for their money, but by the fact that she arrived to the herd by falling from the sky. All she knows of her past life is her name, and the fact that she had a harness on her makes the Arbex curious about her. Due to the jingling noises the harness produced, making her hunting skills horrible and always signaling predators where she was, it was eventually removed with aid from the herd. Such a mysterious female was of course a truly grand prize for males on the herd, and so Cecil turned her to his harem. It was a good thing too, as the vibrant female tends to need someone down to earth when she says such strange things as 'Maybe we can fly off the cliff to run away from them.'.

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