Mini's Characters


Stats [height, variations]:

Naturally Colored
No Abnormalities
(Kid of Syri and Blue Bird)

Mate/ marital status:

Has no Mate

Chosen rank [Youth, peasant, soldier]:



Light , Fireflies , running , care , believing , daydreaming


ThunderStorms , Giving up , Pain , Death , Darkness


Jay is very curious and highly intelligent, like her mother. She is also usually very quiet, calm and laid back, and gentle. She perfers to stick to grass shoots and other greens not eating insects but she will if she has too. Sometimes though she can be very talkitive and loud annoying the other herd members. She is also bubbly and sometimes, out of sorts or just sad. Though she is a very true pure heart and is a wonderful friend. Though sometimes she is a bit extra cautious or making a big deal of small things. She is a daydreamer usually just imagining always. She usually makes up stories some are good yet some are bad, but she doesn't care she daydreams. Jay is also very strong minded and willing, she will do anything to prove she is right and show the truth even if she gets hurt or in trouble, but she doesn't care because the truth always counts not the lies and hurting feelings of guilt stuck inside you.
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