Tam's Characters


Naturally colored
All hooves

No mate/closed

Lazing around in the sun
Attention, mostly from the ewes

Rainy/dreary days

Prodigy is, unfortunately, an unbearable flirt. He likes to attempt to woo the nearest ewe with his "dashing charm," then skitter off to the next to unleash his flirting once more. He's rather carefree too, and doesn't much like fighting, as he's usually the loser in the fight.
He's not very big either, and doesn't boast much muscle. He claims his "dashing good looks" make up for brawn though, even if that's not even the case either.

When he's not got the ladies attention on him he's either trying to get it on him by doing some minor showing off, or he's attempting casual conversation with any who will listen.

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