Bound's characters


Mountain Herd

Naturally colored
4 hooves

Likes: pranks, goofing off, sunbeams, deep snow, sliding across ice, teasing his friends, telling stories

Dislikes: bugs, spiders, ants, itchy noses, having pranks played on him 

Personality: Rozz = Spazz. That is probably the best and only way to describe this happy-go-lucky Geonnec. While age wise, he should be considered a young adult, Rozz's prankster ways and foolish grin classify him as still a child. His four little hooves are always prancing into mayhem, and some of the elders of the tribe swear the rebel dances on the devil's own hooves. But one of his cheeky grins, and a playful butt of his deep red horns, and they usually forget what they were so mad at him about. Until, that is, they catch him red-hoofed again. (Bad pun, I know XD) 

Rozz never means any real harm, and if ever a real disaster were to occur, his endless energy and quick thinking might pull through. But as of now, his life has never had any shadows and his playful enthusiasm embraces life with a childlike innocence. 

His Story: The sun hid behind a thick cover of clouds as darkness cloaked the landscape. One nervous creature hurried across the mountain path. Her big eyes were wide with fear and she shuddered as the first roll of thunder echoed all around her. She had two tiny horns and two dainty hooves that belonged to a sheep while a long, floofy tail and two furry paws contrasted with the appearance of a fox. A Goennec. She scrambled down the mountain path, seeking shelter from the storm. She didn't see the bright red eyes that watched her every move, and waited for her to come closer. 

She dashed past a tree, her ears flicking back and forward in fear. Suddenly there was a low growl, and a dark shape sprang at her. She screamed in fright, scrambling backwards and nearly falling onto the hard ground, just as a soft rain began to fall. 

An playful butt of bright red horns was the only harm that came to her. A energetic laugh sounded by her ear as four little red hooves danced in place, never staying still. 
"I got you that time, Tae, you know I did! You should have seen your eyes...they were huge!" The young male stopped laughing only long enough to speak. Tae tried desperately to regain her composure. "Rozz! I didn't...umm...expect to see you there." This earned her another gentle headbutt. "Aww, Tae...everyone knows you hate thunderstorms. Come on, I'll walk you home." 

The rain continued to gentle fall as the two young Goennec's made their way down the slick slopes. Rozz told exaggerated tales of scraps he had gotten into, and his dislike of mud. His ears twitched in time with his words, and his hooves slid across the rain-slicked soil. Tae found herself laughing at his animated stories. They soon reached her home, a small cave where she lived with her family. She stepped into the entrance, shaking rain from her coat. 

"Would you like to step inside for a look pretty wet." The red-tinted male was indeed a comical sight. Rain water plastered his mane to his forehead, and water streamed off of his face. Rozz grinned. "Naww...this kind of weather gets to Ol' Goat Rigley... I'm gonna go make some footprints outside his cave. He likes yellin' at me better then complaining about his achy bones anyways. See ya later!" Tae shook her head and smiled goodbye as the young Goennec trotted back down the path. Suddenly he turned around and winked. "And Tae? Thunderstorms aren't all that bad, are they?" With that, he disappeared into...leaving the shy female to wonder if perhaps Rozz's heart was bigger then his trickster ways

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