Official Goey RP Characters Site


2’6” – 52lb

Natural // Odd horns, partially bald tail, odd fluff

No mate, not looking. Very best friends with bear Tobias.

Baron wants acceptance more than anything in the word. He yearns to prove himself, or perhaps earn approval by at least one member of the herd. When he couldn’t find it in his own kind, he discovered it in a member of the species Goennecs fear above all others – a large, cuddly bear named Tobias. 


2’6” – 44lb

Natural // Naturally thin (not a real abnormality, just a note), transsexual

Cousin in various degrees to Secretariat, Rannoch, Barbaro, Katili, Seabiscuit, Ruffian, Albina and Nimbah.

Ford is like the herd’s equivalent to a police officer, but he’s often distracted by his own frustrations that he is rarely on duty. He is extremely at odds with his body, and often rams himself against boulders and trees attempting to break his heavy horns.


2’3” – 52lb

Natural // No abnormalities

No mate; seeking merely a lifelong companion.

Moses is a playful old geezer who loves life and laughter. He is a very enduring old Goey, happily handling the changes in the weather and conditions without complaint, and yet he has enough of a reputation in the herd that he can play pranks on the Prime and Prince without reprimand. 


2’6” – 52lb

Natural // No abnormalities

Mate to iBrevity’s Omni, father to Albina and NImbah. Cousin in various degrees to Secretariat, Ruffian, Katili, Ford, Barbaro, and Seabiscuit.

Rannoch holds himself regally, and often spends hours simply cleaning himself, detesting the feel of dirt and mud in his fur. Secretly homosexual, he tries to hide his preference by ‘lightly flirting’ with ewes. He is often mistaken for the Prime of the herd, much to his amusement.


2’2.5” – 42lb

Natural // Ability to hear spirits (He can be officially termed a “Sensitive”)

No mate; Son of Seabiscuit and Finch; nephew to Ruffian and Barbaro; cousin in various degrees to Albina, Nimbah, Ford, Katili and Rannoch.

Seabiscuit is curious and adventurous. He was raised by Secretariat, and thus has a stronger relationship to him rather than Finch, and it’s also the reason he is sensitive to spirit voices – as most young animals are naturally attuned to their parents’ voices, he has had to become attuned with the other plane to stay in contact with Secretariat. ‘Biscuit’s determination, when motivated, is a force to be reckoned with. For fun, he races his father and uncle, easily completing the fastest trio in the herd.


2’3” – 40lb

Natural // Ability to cross Planes

No mate; father to Seabiscuit, brother to Ruffian, adoptive brother to Barbaro. Cousin in various degrees to Albina, Nimbah, Rannoch, Ford and Katili.

Secretariat is a secretive ram who can, at will, cross into the Spirit Plane. He has very few emotions, which is the result of straddling life and death as he does. He is protective, but he does not consider death to be a failure; indeed, he often suggests it when a Goennec is very ill or in chronic pain. He is at peace with death, which is odd for most Goennecs, but his family has become used to his morbid thoughts.

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