Official Goey RP Characters Site


2’3” – 42lb

Natural // No abnormalities

Daughter to Rannoch and Omni/Caedes; sister to Nimbah. Cousin in various degrees to Secretariat, Rannoch, Ford, Katili, Seabiscuit and Ruffian.

Albina, in a word, is a little imp. She is extremely mischievous and loves playing pranks – often ruining others’ reputation in the process. It’s not that she means to be trouble, she just… is.


BG char

2’4” – 47lb

Natural // No abnormalities

In love with both Cassiopoeia and Delacroix; adopted son to Lazuli, adoptive father to Kilaun

Aussie is the outsider, and he knows it. He’s awkward and a bit of a romantic dreamer, often looking for acceptance and love where he really shouldn’t be looking, but often got love from in the past.


2’9” – 60lb

Natural // Very large, sterile

Cousin in various degrees to Secretariat (adopted as brother), Rannoch, Ford, Katili, Seabiscuit, Ruffian (adopted as sister), Albina and Nimbah. Seeking a relationship with Katili.

Barbaro is a peaceful Goennec who loves to race. Though strong and easily able to take on the other strong fighters in the herd, Barbaro seeks only peace, and will fight only when it is to defend the herd; he has no reason to fight his herdmates, even during the Siv. 


B/G char

2’4” – 44lb

Natural // No abnormalities

Mate to Hatter, mother to Enoch.

Cass is odd, and she’s happy to be so. She’s a little on the strange side, her moments of insanity balancing out her fire when unwanted rams try to claim her. She is a strong ewe, willing and able to handle her own against most of the herd’s rams.



2’5” – 47lb

Natural // No abnormalities

Possible future mate to Aussie

Delacroix is a southern belle with a heart of gold. She is the caretaker, her arms open to any and all who need love and comfort. Her favorite idea of how a herd should function is that it should be like a family, with everyone taking care of everyone else.  


1’11” – 36lb

Natural // Epileptic, stunted growth

Son to Hatter and Cassiopoeia.

Enoch is easily troubled. He has visions during his seizures, which he believes are of the future, though it’s usually just a dream that he makes into a reality by trying to avoid the original vision’s situation. He tries to stay by himself, afraid that his visions would disturb others.


2’2” – 43lb

Natural // No abnormalities

No mate // Functions as a ram during the Siv

Gabrielle is an ewe that fights like a ram, and functions as such in the Siv under her nickname, Gabriel. She is the “guardian angel” who protects the ewes too delicate or young to handle being taken by the rough rams. Unfortunately, this role also forces her to stand without a ram or mate. She offers love and affection to the ewes she has taken in, but still longs for someone to steal her heart away.


2’2” – 44lb

Natural // Tritanonomalic (cannot see blue)

No mate

Glas does not know who she is, other than the fact that she is a living, breathing being. Very philosophic, she often ponders roles and thoughts, as well as the ever-fleeting question of identity. She is so wrapped up in her thoughts that she is often considered a pushover, but she will fight like a demon when necessary. 


2’5” – 48lb

Natural // No abnormalities

No mate

Very chauvinistic, Haldis always wants what he cannot have. He is proud to a fault and often challenges Aussie – an old rival of his – as well as high-ranking Goennecs in the herd. During the Siv, he is comparable to Beauty and the Beast’s Gaston – or any other man who takes as many females he can and throws them all away as soon as he’s done. 


B/G char

2’4” – 45lb

Unnatural // Insane

Mate to Cassiopoeia, father to Enoch

Hatter is… insane. However, he is also extremely smart, though he cannot convey his intelligence to any other Goennec besides his mate. He is often found observing others, his wide green eyes intently staring at those he is curious about.



2’2” – 48lb

Natural // Sterile

No mate; Cousin in various degrees to Secretariat, Rannoch, Ford, Barbaro, Seabiscuit, Ruffian, Albina and Nimbah.

Katili is often considered the “witch” of the herd. Bitter to an intolerable point, she despises kids and the Siv because she can never make a family of her own. She plans her ‘revenge’ on the universe by creating traps and cruel pranks that have resulted in death before. There are very few Goennecs that can escape her ire – those that she is related to. She barely tolerates Seabiscuit, Nimbah and Albina’s presence. 


2’4” – 45lb

Natural // No abnormalities

No mate; adopted son to Aussie.

Kilaun is intensely shy, and is easily confused. He is the epitome of naivety, believing only in the good of everyone. He is currently being trained and groomed into succeeding Aussie when he grows too old to run the herd, but secretly, he’s deathly afraid of the position and hopes Aussie lives forever.


BG char

2’5” – 55lb

Natural // Mentally challenged

No mate; adoptive father to Aussie, adoptive grandfather to Kilaun.

Lazuli is mentally slow and simple, but he has strength and body mass to balance out what he does not have. He has a huge heart, and he offers his love much the way a child will – to anyone and everyone he looks up to.


2’3” – 42lb

Natural // No abnormalities

Daughter to Rannoch and Omni/Caedes; sister to Nimbah. Cousin in various degrees to Secretariat, Rannoch, Ford, Katili, Seabiscuit and Ruffian.

Nimbah is the angel half of her twin sister. She is the sweetheart to refuses to bring worry to her family, many times simply snuggling against her father(s) or other ewes while her sister runs around, in some adventure of her own.


2’2” – 43lb

Natural // Slightly schizopherenic

No mate.

Phobos is perpetually terrified. She is paranoid, which stems from the voice that often sits in the back of her head, pulling old memories and nightmares forth. Originally a strong fighter, she is but a shell of her former self, and desperately needs someone who can hold and comfort her. 


2’3” – 45lb

Natural // No abnormalities

No mate

Piapot thinks she’s a superhero, and is often found training her body to be the peak of physical health. She is frustrated often by her innate clumsiness, but she’s so bound and determined to make herself into a protector that she will not let herself let up. 


2’4” – 41lb

Natural // No abnormalities

No mate

Raj is very intelligent, but not very strong. When he can manage to gather a harem during the Siv, he hides his ewes in a maze or puzzle that the other rams, so hyped up on testosterone, cannot figure out. He is respectful and gentle most of the time, but his ire is comparable to Katili’s – especially since he is twice as smart as she. 


2’2” – 41lb

Natural // No abnormalities

No mate; Sister to Secretariat, adoptive sister to Barbaro; cousin in various degrees to Rannoch, Ford, Katili, Albina, Nimbah; aunt to Seabiscuit.

Ruffian is, in a word, HAPPY. She’s incredibly bouncy and klutzy, often leaving a trail of accidental destruction behind her. She tries to be the best herd member that she can… but often fails in this, so the next best thing for her is to make life enjoyable. 


[Only active during the Siv]

2’2” – 47lb

Natural // No abnormalities

No mate; May have multiple children, but does not acknowledge them.

Zi uses her body to gain power. Very much an Irene Adler of the Goennec world, she woos rams, uses them for her own comforts and needs, then poisons them to force them to forget her promises and love, and leaves them. She despises children, and, when she discovers that she is with child, she either tries to abort or will carry to birth, then dump the kid with a more willing ewe. 

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